Marine geology, geomorphology of the Kitimat fiord system, British Columbia, parts of NTS 103-A, NTS 103-H, and NTS 103-I / [authors, J. Shaw and D.G. Lintern]. : M183-1/275-2016E-PDF

"This map depicts the geomorphology of the Kitimat fiord system, British Columbia, and is based on bathymetry and backscatter data from multibeam sonar surveys, complemented by 3.5 kHz sub-bottom profiler data, grab samples, cores, and bottom photographs. The coverage extends from the head of Kitimat Arm to Hecate Strait, and includes Douglas Channel. The seafloor is divided into classes based on morphology and texture. The classes include glacial landforms that record the advance and retreat of grounded ice, and a wide range of submarine slope failures. The map also shows that postglacial sediment distribution on the fiord floors is highly variable: large areas are current-scoured, so that underlying glaciomarine sediments are exposed. More than a hundred submarine fans deltas are present within the fiords"--Abstract.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Natural Resources Canada.
Geological Survey of Canada.
Titre Marine geology, geomorphology of the Kitimat fiord system, British Columbia, parts of NTS 103-A, NTS 103-H, and NTS 103-I / [authors, J. Shaw and D.G. Lintern].
Titre de la série Canadian geoscience map ; 275
Type de publication Série - Voir l'enregistrement principal
Langue [Anglais]
Édition ultérieure Marine geology, geomorphology of the Kitimat Fiord system, British Columbia, parts of NTS 103-A, NTS 103-H, and NTS 103-I
Format Électronique
Document électronique
Note(s) This record only includes the map and the “Map information document” in PDF, the complete data set with all the files in various formats is available for free download at
Includes bibliographical references.
Includes abstract in French.
Information sur la publication [Ottawa] : Natural Resources Canada, c2016.
Auteur / Contributeur Shaw, J. (John), 1946-
Lintern, D. G. (David Gwyn)
Description 1 map : col. + 1 map information document ([8] p.).
ISBN 978-1-100-22030-7
Numéro de catalogue
  • M183-1/275-2016E-PDF
Numéro de catalogue du ministère 297482
Édition Preliminary version
Données cartographiques Scale 1:200 000 ; Universal Transverse Mercator, zone 9 (W 130°00’--W 128°25'/N 54°05'--N 52°30’)
Descripteurs Geological maps
Surficial geology
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