The 2008 Canadian atmospheric assessment of agricultural ammonia  : En4-112/2009E

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Atmospheric ammonia (NH3) has been linked to many major air pollution issues. Of particular interest is the relationship between atmospheric NH3 and particulate matter (PM). The potential role of NH3 on human health led to the production of an in-depth assessment of atmospheric ammonia. Such an assessment addressing all aspects of atmospheric ammonia is of value especially in light of all the knowledge gaps that currently exist in ammonia science. These gaps were specifically addressed in this assessment, including our knowledge of NH3 atmospheric chemistry, ambient NH3 levels, emissions, transport and contribution to PM formation and ambient PM levels.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Environment Canada.
Titre The 2008 Canadian atmospheric assessment of agricultural ammonia
Type de publication Monographie
Langue [Anglais]
Autres langues publiées [Français]
Format Papier
Autres formats offerts Électronique-[Anglais]
Information sur la publication Ottawa - Ontario : Environment Canada c2010.
Reliure Softcover
Description xv, 295p. : figs., graphs, maps, references, tables, photographs ; 28 cm.
ISBN 978-1-100-12420-9
Numéro de catalogue
  • En4-112/2009E
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