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539 résultats pour « Customs and excise » trié par numéro de catalogue en ordre décroissant
- D Series checklist = Liste de contrôle Mémorandums D. Rv55-5/23-PDF ### Rv55-5/23D0-PDF Date :2003?]-Numéro de catalogue :Rv55-5/23-PDF; Rv55-5/23D0-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada Border Services Agency.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Royal Commission on Customs and Excise : final report. Z1-1926/3E-PDF Date :1927.Numéro de catalogue :Z1-1926/3E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Privy Council Office.Type de publication:MonographieFormat:PDF
- Excise Tax Act, Regulations under the Excise Tax Act YX76-E15/1990 Date :1990.Numéro de catalogue :YX76-E15/1990ISBN :0-660-55774-6Ministère/Organisme :Canada. Statutes.Type de publication:MonographieFormat:Papier
- Excise Act YX76-E14/1990 Date :1990.Numéro de catalogue :YX76-E14/1990ISBN :0-660-55775-4Ministère/Organisme :Canada. Statutes.Type de publication:MonographieFormat:Papier
- Customs Act : R.S., 1985, c. 1 (2nd Supp.) / Prepared by the Statute Revision Commission. YX76-2-1/1991 Date :1991.Numéro de catalogue :YX76-2-1/1991ISBN :0-660-56565-XMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Statutes.Type de publication:MonographieFormat:Papier
- An Act to amend the Customs Act = Loi modifiant la Loi sur les douanes. YX4-2018/30-PDF Date :2018.Numéro de catalogue :YX4-2018/30-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Parliament. House of Commons.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act 2001 : (An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act.) YX4-2001/15 Date :Bill C-13 assented to 14th June, 2001.Numéro de catalogue :YX4-2001/15Ministère/Organisme :Canada. Statutes.Type de publication:SérieFormat:Papier
- Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 : (An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act, a related Act, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Budget Implementation Act, 1997, the Budget Implementation Act, 1998, the Budget Implementation Act, 1999, the Canada Pension Plan, the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, the Cultural Property Export and Import Act, the Customs Act, the Customs tariff, the Employment Insurance Act, the Excise Act, the Income Tax Act, the Tax Court of Canada Act and the Unemployment Insurance Act.) YX4-2000/30 Date :Bill C-24 assented to 20th October, 2000.Numéro de catalogue :YX4-2000/30Ministère/Organisme :Canada. Statutes.Type de publication:SérieFormat:Papier
- Income Tax Amendments Act, 1999 : (An Act to amend the Income Tax Act, the Excise Tax Act and the Budget Implementation Act, 1999.) YX4-2000/19 Date :Bill C-25 assented to 29th June, 2000.Numéro de catalogue :YX4-2000/19Ministère/Organisme :Canada. Statutes.Type de publication:SérieFormat:Papier
- Preclearance Act : (An Act authorizing the United States to preclear travelers and goods in Canada for entry into the United States for the purposes of customs, immigration, public health, food inspection and plant and animal health.) YX4-1999/20 Date :Bill S-22 assented to 17th June, 1999.Numéro de catalogue :YX4-1999/20Ministère/Organisme :Canada. Statutes.Type de publication:SérieFormat:Papier
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