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372 résultats pour « Geomorphology » trié par pertinence en ordre décroissant
- Alberta landforms : quantitative morphometric descriptions and classifications of typical Alberta landforms / R.A. MacMillan, W.W. Pettapiece. A54-8/2000-2E-PDF Date :c2000.Numéro de catalogue :A54-8/2000-2E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Research Branch.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Report on the compilation of the map of vertical crustal movements in Canada / Petr Vanišcek and Dezsö Nagy. M74-3/80-2E-PDF Date :1980.Numéro de catalogue :M74-3/80-2E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Energy, Mines and Resources Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Indicator mineral signatures of the Halfmile Lake Zn-Pb-Cu volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick : part 1 - bedrock data / [by] G. Budulan ... [et al.]. M183-2/7644E-PDF Date :2015.Numéro de catalogue :M183-2/7644E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- GIS compilation of coastline variability spanning 60 years in the Mackenzie Delta and Tuktoyaktuk in the Beaufort Sea / [by] S. Hynes, S.M. Solomon, and D. Whalen. M183-2/7685E-PDF Date :2014.Numéro de catalogue :M183-2/7685E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Relative sea-level projections in Canada and the adjacent mainland United States / [by] T.S. James ... [et al.]. M183-2/7737E-PDF Date :2014.Numéro de catalogue :M183-2/7737E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- A guide to the landscape of the Firth River Valley, Ivvavik National Park / authors, Gregory R. Brooks, Larry S. Lane. R64-404/2011E-PDF Date :c2011.Numéro de catalogue :R64-404/2011E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Parks Canada.Type de publication:MonographieFormat:PDF
- Nearshore morphology and geology, Oshawa, Lake Ontario and Douglas Point, Lake Huron / author, N.A. Rukavina. En13-6/80-30E-PDF Date :[1980]Numéro de catalogue :En13-6/80-30E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Report on the second phase of the seismic program across the Superior-Churchill boundary zone in southern Canada / Z. Hajnal. M74-3/81-2E-PDF Date :1981.Numéro de catalogue :M74-3/81-2E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Energy, Mines and Resources Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Geomorphic systems of the Palliser Triangle, southern Canadian prairies : description and response to changing climate / D.S. Lemmen, R.E. Vance, I.A. Campbell, P.P. David, D.J. Pennock, D.J. Sauchyn, and S.A. Wolfe. M42-521E-PDF Numéro de catalogue :M42-521E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Geological Survey of Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Marine geology, geomorphology of the Kitimat fiord system, British Columbia, parts of NTS 103-A, NTS 103-H, and NTS 103-I / [authors, J. Shaw and D.G. Lintern]. M183-1/275-2016E-PDF Date :c2016.Numéro de catalogue :M183-1/275-2016E-PDFISBN :978-1-100-22030-7Ministère/Organisme :Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
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