Fourth census of Canada 1901 .  : CS98-1901-PDF

"The Census of 1891 was taken with nine schedules of 216 questions, and the Census of 1901 with eleven schedules of 561 questions. ... The tables of the second volume of the Census of 1901 relate to the natural industries of the Dominion, whose products are classed under the general heads of Agriculture, Minerals and Fisheries. Products of the Dairy and of the Forest are grouped with those of Agriculture. ... The tables of the third volume of the Census of 1901 relate to the Manufactures of the Dominion, and are given for all industrial establishments having five employees and over. ... The tables of the fourth and final volume of the Census of 1901 relate to the ages of the people, infirmities, mortality, natural increase of population, school attendance, educational status, dwellings and familles, institutions, churches and schools, électoral districts, and représentation of the people in Parliament"-Cf introd. notes.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Department of Agriculture.
Titre Fourth census of Canada 1901 .
Variante du titre Quatrième recensement du Canada 1901
Report on the fourth census of Canada 1901
Type de publication Monographie
Langue Bilingue-[Anglais | Français]
Format Électronique
Document électronique
Note(s) Added t.p. title: Quatrième recensement du Canada 1901.
Chiefly tables.
Errata laid in.
Historical census publication digitized in 2009 by Statistics Canada.
Includes indexes.
v. 1. Population -- v. 2. Natural products -- v. 3. Manufactures -- v. 4. Vital statistics, school attendance, educational status, dwellings and families, institutions, churches and schools, electoral districts and representation.
Text in English and in French. French text follows the English.
Information sur la publication Ottawa : [Dept. of Agriculture], 1902-1906.(Ottawa : Printed by S.E. Dawson, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty)
Description 4 v. (xxiii, xxiv, 513; xcviii, 444; lxxviii, lxxxiii, 384; vi, vi, 467 p.)
Numéro de catalogue
  • CS98-1901-PDF
Descripteurs Census
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