Evaluation of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency's Entrepreneurship and Business Skills Development Program sub-activity : final evaluation report / Evaluation Unit, Finance and Corporate Services,... : AC5-33/2010E-PDF
"This report presents the findings, conclusions and recommendations of an evaluation of the Entrepreneurship and Business Skills Development (EBSD) program sub-activity (PSA) of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA). The time frame for this evaluation includes the period of 2004-2005 to 2008-2009. The evaluation focused on issues of program relevance and performance (effectiveness, efficiency and economy)"--Executive Summary, p. i.
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Ministère/Organisme | Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. |
Titre | Evaluation of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency's Entrepreneurship and Business Skills Development Program sub-activity : final evaluation report / Evaluation Unit, Finance and Corporate Services, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. |
Type de publication | Monographie |
Langue | [Anglais] |
Autres langues publiées | [Français] |
Format | Électronique |
Document électronique | |
Note(s) | "September 8, 2010." Issued also in French under title: Évaluation de la sous-activité de programme Entrepreneurship et perfectionnement des compétences en affaires de l’Agence de promotion économique du Canada atlantique : version définitive du rapport. Includes bibliographical references. |
Information sur la publication | [Moncton, New Brunswick] : Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, 2010. |
Description | iii, 78 p. : ill. |
Numéro de catalogue |
Descripteurs | Entrepreneurship |
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