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205 résultats pour « Whales » trié par pertinence en ordre décroissant
- Population status update for the northern resident killer whale (Orcinus orca) in 2018. Fs70-7/2019-025E-PDF Numéro de catalogue :Fs70-7/2019-025E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Pacific Region.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Photo-identification catalogue, population status, and distribution of Bigg's killer whales known from coastal waters of British Columbia, Canada / Jared R. Towers [and ten others]. Fs97-6/3311E-PDF Numéro de catalogue :Fs97-6/3311E-PDFISBN :9780660309385Ministère/Organisme :Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Review of North Atlantic right whale occurrence and risk of entanglements in fishing gear and vessel strikes in Canadian waters. Fs70-6/2019-028E-PDF Numéro de catalogue :Fs70-6/2019-028E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans. National Capital Region.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Cumulative effects assessment for northern and southern resident killer whale populations in the northeast Pacific / Cathryn Clarke Murray [and six others]. Fs70-5/2019-056E-PDF Numéro de catalogue :Fs70-5/2019-056E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Pacific Region.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Optimal passive acoustic systems for real-time detection and localization of North Atlantic right whales in their feeding ground off Gaspé in the Gulf of St. Lawrence / by Cédric Gervaise, Yvan Simard, Florian Aulanier, and Nathalie Roy. Fs97-6/3345E-PDF Numéro de catalogue :Fs97-6/3345E-PDFISBN :9780660331690Ministère/Organisme :Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Performance study of passive acoustic systems for detecting North Atlantic right whales in seaways : the Honguedo strait in the Gulf of St. Lawrence / Cédric Gervaise, Yvan Simard, Florian Aulanier, and Nathalie Roy. Fs97-6/3346E-PDF Numéro de catalogue :Fs97-6/3346E-PDFISBN :9780660331706Ministère/Organisme :Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Toxic algae and phycotoxin testing during the Right Whale Mortality Event, 2017 / by Michael Scarratt... [et al.]. Fs97-4/3128E-PDF Date :2017.Numéro de catalogue :Fs97-4/3128E-PDFISBN :978-0-660-20473-4Ministère/Organisme :Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Oceanographic trajectory hindcasting of the dead North Atlantic Right Whales during summer 2017 / by Joël Chassé. Fs97-4/3129E-PDF Date :2017.Numéro de catalogue :Fs97-4/3129E-PDFISBN :978-0-660-20474-1Ministère/Organisme :Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Historical abundance of Eastern Canada - West Greenland (EC-WG) bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) estimated using catch data in a deterministic discrete-time logistic population model / [by] Jeff W. Higdon and Steven H. Ferguson. Fs70-5/2016-023E-PDF Date :2016.Numéro de catalogue :Fs70-5/2016-023E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- COSEWIC status appraisal summary on the North Pacific right whale, Eubalaena japonica, in Canada . CW69-14/2-52-2015E-PDF Date :2015.Numéro de catalogue :CW69-14/2-52-2015E-PDFISBN :978-0-660-02531-5Ministère/Organisme :Canadian Wildlife Service.Type de publication:MonographieFormat:PDF
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