Annual report on official languages.  : BT23-1/2E-PDF

Details efforts undertaken to firmly establish official languages in the culture of the public service, meet the expectations of Canadians to receive services in both official languages, create workplaces conducive to the use of both official languages, and ensure that both official language communities have equal opportunities for employment and advancement within federal institutions.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Treasury Board.
Titre Annual report on official languages.
Variante du titre Annual report to Parliament
Type de publication Série
Langue [Anglais]
Autres langues publiées [Français]
Fait suite à Official languages in federal institutions. ; 1486-9667 ; Began with: 1988/1989; ceased with: 1995/1996.
Suivi de Annual report on official languages ; 1910-0442 ; Began with 2003/2004; ceased with 2005/2006.
Format Électronique
Autres formats offerts Papier-[Anglais | Français]
Information sur la publication [Ottawa] : President of the Treasury Board = Président du Conseil du Trésor, c1997-2003.
Chronologie Began with 1996/1997; ceased with 2002/2003.
Périodicité Annual
ISSN 1486-9683
Numéro de catalogue
  • BT23-1/2E-PDF
Descripteurs Official languages
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2003 Cliquer pour agrandir
2002 Cliquer pour agrandir
2001 Cliquer pour agrandir
2000 Cliquer pour agrandir
1999 Cliquer pour agrandir
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1997 Cliquer pour agrandir
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