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667 résultats pour « Sediments » trié par pertinence en ordre croissant
- Dose rates to aquatic life near a uranium waste site / R.F. Platford and S.R. Joshi. En13-5/86-191E-PDF Date :[1986].Numéro de catalogue :En13-5/86-191E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Environment Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Erosion and sedimentation along a cohesive shoreline : the north-central shore of Lake Erie / by N.A. Rukavina and A.J. Zeman. En13-5/85-134E-PDF Date :1985.Numéro de catalogue :En13-5/85-134E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Environment Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Evidence for an important tectonostratigraphic seismic marker across Canada Basin and southern Alpha Ridge of the Arctic Ocean / J.W Shimeld ... [et al.]. M183-2/6822E-PDF Date :2011.Numéro de catalogue :M183-2/6822E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Biological test method : test for survival, growth and reproduction in sediment and water using the freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca / Method Development and Applications Unit, Science and Technology Branch, Environment and Climate Change Canada. En49-7/1-33-2017E-PDF Date :c2018.Numéro de catalogue :En49-7/1-33-2017E-PDFISBN :9780660098739Ministère/Organisme :Environmental Science and Technology Centre (Canada). Method Development and Applications Unit.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Inferred spring discharge characteristics of the Saguenay River, Quebec between ca. 1850 and ca. 1900 based on sediment texture proxy data / C.T. Schafer. M183-2/8190E-PDF Date :2017.Numéro de catalogue :M183-2/8190E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Configuration of Mike21 for the simulation of nearshore storm waves, currents and sediment transport - Brackley Bight, Prince Edward Island / G.K. Manson. M183-2/6736E-PDF Date :2012.Numéro de catalogue :M183-2/6736E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Sediment provenance and diagenesis, Lower Cretaceous of the Alma K-85 well, Scotian Shelf / G. Pe-Piper ... [et al.]. M183-2/6837E-PDF Date :2011.Numéro de catalogue :M183-2/6837E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Cruise MA98-074 geophysical and multibeam bathymetric surveys of the Liverpool offshore dumpsites 13-19 October 1998 / D.R. Parrott. M183-2/4990E-PDF Date :2010.Numéro de catalogue :M183-2/4990E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Cruise Hart99-002 geophysical surveys of the Liverpool, NS, and Saint John, NB, offshore dumpsites, 24 April - 11 May 1999 / D.R. Parrott. M183-2/4991E-PDF Date :2010.Numéro de catalogue :M183-2/4991E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Cruise Matthew 2002066 geophysical surveys and sampling operations in the Middle Shoal area, Cape Breton Island, NS, 19 -30 October 2002 / D.R. Parrott. M183-2/4992E-PDF Date :2010.Numéro de catalogue :M183-2/4992E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
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