Telemental health in Canada : a status report / Prepared by Health and the Information Highway Division. : H21-236/2004E-PDF

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Health Canada. Information, Analysis and Connectivity Branch.
Title Telemental health in Canada : a status report / Prepared by Health and the Information Highway Division.
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) "This study is intended to provide a status report on, and lessons learned from the current practice of telemental health in Canada, defined as the application of telehealth methods to access or deliver mental health services, including promotion and prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and recovery across institutional and home and community settings."--Executive summary.
Catalogue number and ISBN for the HTML edition have been incorrectly copied in this PDF edition.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Health Canada. 2004.
Description 52p.references, tables
ISBN 0-662-38776-7
Catalogue number
  • H21-236/2004E-PDF
Subject terms Mental health
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