The consequences of child maltreatment : a reference guide for health practitioners / by Jeff Latimer. : H72-21/156-1998E

The first section of this booklet provides a general overview of child maltreatment. Definitions, the extent of the problem and factors influencing maltreatment are all examined. The second section outlines the possible consequences of child maltreatment. Information is draw from research into both short-and-long-term consequences. The third section discusses the issue of reporting child maltreatment for health practitioners. Some commonly asked questions are answered, reporting tendencies and biases are addressed, and some commons signs of maltreatment are highlighted.--Page 5

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Publication information
Department/Agency National Clearinghouse on Family Violence (Canada)‏.
Title The consequences of child maltreatment : a reference guide for health practitioners / by Jeff Latimer.
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Paper
Note(s) "The first section of this booklet provides a general overview of child maltreatment. Definitions, the extent of the problem and factors influencing maltreatment are all examined. The second section outlines the possible consequences of child maltreatment. Information is draw from research into both short-and-long-term consequences. The third section discusses the issue of reporting child maltreatment for health practitioners. Some commonly asked questions are answered, reporting tendencies and biases are addressed, and some commons signs of maltreatment are highlighted."--Page 5.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Health Canada. 1998.
Binding Softcover
Description 38p. : 28 cm.
ISBN 0-662-26602-1
Catalogue number
  • H72-21/156-1998E
Subject terms Violence against children
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