Population status, distribution, and trends of gulls and kittiwakes breeding in eastern Canada, 1998-2007 / [by] Richard C. Cotter, Jean-François Rail, Andrew W. Boyne, Gregory J. Robertson, D.V. Chip...: CW69-1/120E-PDF

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Department/Agency Canadian Wildlife Service.
Title Population status, distribution, and trends of gulls and kittiwakes breeding in eastern Canada, 1998-2007 / [by] Richard C. Cotter, Jean-François Rail, Andrew W. Boyne, Gregory J. Robertson, D.V. Chip Weseloh and Keith G. Chaulk.
Series title Occasional paper - Canadian Wildlife ServiceNo. 120
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) The ISBN (978-1-100-99952-4) for the French edition incorrectly copied in this PDF.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Environment Canada. December 2012.
Description 96p.coloured maps, graphs, references, tables
ISBN 978-1-100-21466-5
Catalogue number
  • CW69-1/120E-PDF
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