Genetically improved jack pine for Manitoba and Saskatchewan / [J. I. Klein].: Fo29-2/18-1982E-PDF

"Jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) is one of the major reforestation species in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. In 1967 the Canadian Forestry Service initiated a program for the genetic improvement of jack pine, with the purpose of increasing the growth rate and merchantable yields from commercial plantations by improving the genetic quality ofplanting stock. The first genetically improved materials, in the form of grafts for seed orchard establishment, were provided to provincial and industrial cooperators in 1979 and1980. This note describes the program's strategy and progress; a detailed report is available on request (Klein 1982)"--P. [1].

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Environment Canada.
Northern Forest Research Centre (Canada)
Canadian Forestry Service.
Canada. Natural Resources Canada. Canadian Forest Service.
Title Genetically improved jack pine for Manitoba and Saskatchewan / [J. I. Klein].
Series title Forest management note ; 18
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Caption title.
"November 1982."
Digitized edition from print.
Includes bibliographic references (p.4).
Publishing information Edmonton : Northern Forest Research Centre, 1982.
Author / Contributor Klein, J. I.
Description 4 p. : map, photo.
Catalogue number
  • Fo29-2/18-1982E-PDF
Subject terms Trees
Forest management
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