In the matter of: Certain iodinated contrast media used for radiographic imaging, originating in or exported from the United States of America (including the commonwealth of Puerto Rico) : E100-2/1-2000-1904-01E-1

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This report is part of a series on decisions related to disputes over the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) based on a binational panel review process. Chapter 19 of NAFTA provides for binational panel review of anti-dumping, countervailing duty, and injury final determinations. Panels may also review amendments made by either Canada, the United States, or Mexico to their anti-dumping or countervailing duty law.

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Publication information
Department/Agency NAFTA Secretariat.
Title In the matter of: Certain iodinated contrast media used for radiographic imaging, originating in or exported from the United States of America (including the commonwealth of Puerto Rico)
Series title Binational Panel review pursuant to Article 1904 of the North American Free Trade Agreement CDA-USA-2000-1904-01
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Paper
Publishing information NAFTA Secretariat 2003.
Binding Softcover
Description 6p. ; 28 cm.
Catalogue number
  • E100-2/1-2000-1904-01E-1
Subject terms Canadian-American relations
Free trade
Free trade agreements
International trade
Trade disputes
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