Quality services: a progress report, 1996 / Issued by the Public Affairs Branch. : BT22-42/1996

The report provides a balanced overview of the government's progress to date with implementation of the Quality Services Initiative, a government-wide strategy to improve client satisfaction with the quality of service delivery to Canadians. The strategy outlines specific actions the government should take to improve client satisfaction with service delivery. To be phased-in over three years, the strategy is based upon four principles: client involvement, leadership, employee involvement, innovation. The report also outlines a course of action to sustain the momentum for change.--Executive summary

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Treasury Board. Public Affairs Branch.
Title Quality services: a progress report, 1996 / Issued by the Public Affairs Branch.
Publication type Monograph
Language Bilingual-[English | French]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[French], Electronic-[English]
Note(s) "The report provides a balanced overview of the government's progress to date with implementation of the Quality Services Initiative, a government-wide strategy to improve client satisfaction with the quality of service delivery to Canadians. The strategy outlines specific actions the government should take to improve client satisfaction with service delivery. To be phased-in over three years, the strategy is based upon four principles: client involvement, leadership, employee involvement, innovation. The report also outlines a course of action to sustain the momentum for change."--Executive summary. N.B.: Incorrect catalogue number (BT22-42/1977) printed in this publication.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. 1997.
Binding Softcover
Description English text, ii, 55p. : tables ; 28 cm.
ISBN 0-662-62837-3
Catalogue number
  • BT22-42/1996
Subject terms Government services
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