A new satellite, a new vision - RADARSAT-2 : ST99-13/2007E-PDF

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This brochure describes a new Canadian-made satellite, designed for observation of the Earth, that offers one of the world’s most advanced sources of space-borne radar imagery. It explains the technological capabilities of the satellite and how it can be used in a variety of scientific applications. The brochure also explains some of its uses in fields such as remote-area surveillance, monitoring for environmental, security and sovereignty issues, and emergency and disaster planning and response.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canadian Space Agency.
Title A new satellite, a new vision - RADARSAT-2
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Other formats Paper-[English | French]
Note(s) The catalogue number (ST99-13/2007) and ISBN (978-0-662-05144-2) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this PDF edition.
Publishing information Saint-Hubert - Quebec : Canadian Space Agency c2007.
Description 13p.coloured illus., photographs
ISBN 978-0-662-47011-3
Catalogue number
  • ST99-13/2007E-PDF
Subject terms Satellites
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