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399 results for "Maps" sorted by relevance descending
- Terra Nostra : the stories behind Canada's maps, 1550-1950 / [by] Jeffrey S. Murray; Published jointly by les éditions Septrion in co-operation with Library and Archives Canada, and Public Works and Government Services Canada. SB4-3/2006E Date:2006.Catalogue number:SB4-3/2006EISBN:0-660-19496-1Department/Agency:Library and Archives Canada.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Newfoundland Ridge NK22-B bathymetry / compiled by R. Sparkes and D.J.W. Piper. M183-2/2232E-PDF Date:1989.Catalogue number:M183-2/2232E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Central Experimental Farm site map =Carte de la ferme expérimentale centrale. A59-16/2014-PDF Date:[2014].Catalogue number:A59-16/2014-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Quick microcomputer maps with Lotus 123 / N.A. Rukavina. En36-518/90-09E-PDF Catalogue number:En36-518/90-09E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Environment Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- First vertical derivative of the magnetic field : aeromagnetic survey of the Dawson area - NTS 116-C/9, 116-C/10 and parts of 116-B/11, 116-B/12, 116-C/15 and 116-C/16, Yukon / [by] F. Kiss and M. Coyle. M183-2/7641E-PDF Date:2014.Catalogue number:M183-2/7641E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Residual total magnetic field : aeromagnetic survey of the Dawson area - NTS 116-C/9, 116-C/10 and parts of 116-B/11, 116-B/12, 116-C/15 and 116-C/16, Yukon / [by] F. Kiss and M. Coyle. M183-2/7640E-PDF Date:2014.Catalogue number:M183-2/7640E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- First vertical derivative of the magnetic field : aeromagnetic survey of the Dawson area : NTS 116-B/4, 116-B/5, 116-C/1, 116-C/2, 116-C/7 and 116-C/8, Yukon / [by] F. Kiss and M. Coyle. M183-2/7639E-PDF Date:2014.Catalogue number:M183-2/7639E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Residual total magnetic field : aeromagnetic survey of the Dawson area : NTS 116-B/4, 116-B/5, 116-C/1, 116-C/2, 116-C/7 and 116-C/8, Yukon / [by] F. Kiss and M. Coyle. M183-2/7638E-PDF Date:2014.Catalogue number:M183-2/7638E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- First vertical derivative of the magnetic field : aeromagnetic survey of the Dawson area : NTS parts of 115-O/14, 115-O/15, 115-O/16, 116-B/1, 116-B/2, 116-B/3, 116-B/6 and 116-B/7, Yukon / [by] F. Kiss and M. Coyle. M183-2/7637E-PDF Date:2014.Catalogue number:M183-2/7637E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Residual total magnetic field : aeromagnetic survey of the Dawson area : NTS parts of 115-O/14, 115-O/15, 115-O/16, 116-B/1, 116-B/2, 116-B/3, 116-B/6 and 116-B/7, Yukon / [by] F. Kiss and M. Coyle. M183-2/7636E-PDF Date:2014.Catalogue number:M183-2/7636E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
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