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283 results for "Pétrole" sorted by relevance ascending
- Radio communications used for off-shore oil explorations in a Canadian maritime region / by L.E. Petrie, U.I. Campbell. Co24-3/7-1254-1974E-PDF Catalogue number:Co24-3/7-1254-1974E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Communications Research Centre (Canada), issuing body.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- The socio-economic impacts of adopting tighter motor vehicle emission standards and fuel requirements. Iu47-9/1996E-PDF Catalogue number:Iu47-9/1996E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Industry Canada, issuing body.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Wholesale and retail competition in the Canadian petroleum industry : an econometric analysis / by Anindya Sen, Competition Bureau, Industry Canada, [and three others], Law and Economics Consulting Group Inc. (LECG). Iu54-105/1999E-PDF Catalogue number:Iu54-105/1999E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Competition Bureau, issuing body.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Special studies : 1981 study results. En40-242/81-10E-PDF Catalogue number:En40-242/81-10E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Environment Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Baseline characteristics of Come by Chance Bay, Newfoundland / by J.J. Swiss and J.M. Osborne. En42-1/5-0-76-9E-PDF Catalogue number:En42-1/5-0-76-9E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Environmental Protection Service. Atlantic Region, issuing body.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- L'exploration et l'exploitation des gisements d'hydrocarbures sous-marins : étude des problemes écologiques / Robert Baker. En42-1/2-78-1F-PDF ### En46-2/78-1F Catalogue number:En42-1/2-78-1F-PDF; En46-2/78-1FISBN:0662905687Department/Agency:Canada. Service de la protection de l'environnement, organisme de publication.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Comparison of water chemistry of hydraulic-fracturing flowback water from two geological locations at the Duvernay Formation, Alberta, Canada / M.S. Reid, X. Wang, N. Utting, and C. Jiang. M183-2/8852E-PDF Catalogue number:M183-2/8852E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Geological Survey of Canada, issuing body.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Environmental effects monitoring : pitfalls and possibilities in relation to offshore oil development / prepared by P. Lane and Associates Ltd. for Environmental Protection/Atlantic, Conservation and Protection, Environment Canada and Corporate Planning Group, Conservation and Protection, Environment Canada and Supply and Services Canada, Unsolicited Proposal Fund. En49-9/90-1E-PDF Catalogue number:En49-9/90-1E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Environmental Protection Directorate. Atlantic Region, issuing body.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Mise à jour sur le secteur de l'énergie et l'agriculture : les recettes fédérales auxquelles renonce le gouvernement fédéral au titre de certaines dispositions fiscales. YN5-237/2023F-PDF Catalogue number:YN5-237/2023F-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Bureau du Directeur parlementaire du budget, organisme de publication.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Le secteur de l'énergie et l'agriculture : les recettes auxquelles renonce le gouvernement fédéral au titre de certaines dispositions fiscales. YN5-237/2021F-PDF Catalogue number:YN5-237/2021F-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Bureau du Directeur parlementaire du budget, organisme de publication.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
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