Catalogue des produits de formation linguistique de l'École de la fonction publique du Canada – Formation en anglais langue seconde – Niveaux debutant et intermediaire


Certains liens sur cette page contiennent du contenu exclusivement en anglais.

Interface Canada permet d'acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour interagir efficacement en anglais aux niveaux A et B.

Il traite de fonctions langagières courantes en milieu de travail : accueil, présentation, demande d'information, expression d'opinion, d'accord, de désaccord ou d'excuse, argumentation et salutations.

Interface Canada (Teacher)

Teacher's book 1

Interface Canada. Teacher's book 1

Fichiers audio

Teacher's book 2

Interface Canada. Teacher's book 2

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Teacher's book 3

Interface Canada. Teacher's book 3

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Teacher's book 4

Interface Canada. Teacher's book 4

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Teacher's book 5

Interface Canada. Teacher's book 5

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Teacher's book 6

Interface Canada. Teacher's book 6

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Teacher's book 7

Interface Canada. Teacher's book 7

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Teacher's book 8

Interface Canada. Teacher's book 8

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Teacher's book. Role playing for consolidation

Interface Canada. Teacher's book. Role playing for consolidation

Fichiers audio

Interface Canada oral interaction—Levels A and B : administrator's and teacher's guide 

Interface Canada (Student)

Student's book 1

Interface Canada. Student's book 1

Fichiers audio

Student's book 2

Interface Canada. Student's book 2

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Student's book 3

Interface Canada. Student's book 3

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Student's book 4

Interface Canada. Student's book 4

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Student's book 5

Interface Canada. Student's book 5

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Student's book 6

Interface Canada. Student's book 6

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Student's book 7

Interface Canada. Student's book 7

Fichiers audio

Student’s book 8

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