Innovative work practices and labour turnover in Canada / René Morissette and Julio Miguel Rosa. : CS71-584/7E-PDF

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"This study finds only moderate support for the notion that innovative work practices (such as teamwork, job rotation and profit-sharing) reduce employee turnover. It finds almost no evidence that such innovative work practices reduce employee turnover in the Manufacturing sector. However, it shows that establishments in the Services sector that employ a highly skilled workforce and use some innovative work practices, do retain a greater proportion of their employees than other sectors".

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Publication information
Department/Agency Statistics Canada, issuing body.
Title Innovative work practices and labour turnover in Canada / René Morissette and Julio Miguel Rosa.
Series title The evolving workplace series ; 1499-0326No. 7
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Includes bibliographical references.
Publishing information Statistics Canada, 2003.
Author / Contributor Morissette, R. (René), 1959- author.
Description 1 online resource (43 pages) : tables.
ISBN 0662341368
ISSN 1499-0326
Catalogue number
  • CS71-584/7E-PDF
Subject terms Labour mobility
Working conditions
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