ARCHIVÉE - Liste supplémentaire des publications du gouvernement du Canada 14-09
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14-09-Supp (Le 23 avril 2014)
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Table des matières
- Publications ministérielles
- Affaires indiennes et du Nord
- Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières
- Conseil des Arts du Canada
- Conseil canadien des ministres de l'environnement
- Département des assurances
- Élections Canada
- Environnement Canada
- Gendarmerie royale du Canada
- Industrie Canada
- Institut canadien d'information sur la santé
- Office national de l'énergie
- Office des normes générales du Canada
- Pêches et Océans Canada
- Ressources naturelles Canada
- Santé Canada
- Publications de Statistique Canada
Publications ministérielles
Affaires indiennes et du Nord
- Stratégie d'emploi pour les jeunes Inuits et des Premières nations, rapport annuel. pour Numéro de catalogue R71-60F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1702-1146 Électronique.1997-1998. 1999. 33p. Tableaux. (QS-7013-000-BB-AI)A cessé de paraître en 2001?.Le n° de catalogue (R71-60/1999) et ISBN (0-662-64081-0) imprimés dans cette publication sont incorrects.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue R71-60/1998F-PDF
- First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy, annual report. for Catalogue Number R71-60E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1702-1138 Electronic.1997-1998. 1999. 33p. Tables. (QS-7013-000-BB-AI)Ceased publication in 2001?.Incorrect catalogue number (R71-60/1999) and ISBN (0-662-64081-0) printed in this publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number R71-60/1998E-PDF
- Stratégie d'emploi pour les jeunes Inuits et des Premières nations, rapport annuel. pour Numéro de catalogue R71-60F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1702-1146 Électronique.1998-1999. 27p. Glossaire, photographies.A cessé de paraître en 2001?.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue R71-60/1999F-PDF
- First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy, annual report. for Catalogue Number R71-60E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1702-1138 Electronic.1998-1999. 2000. 28p. Glossary, photographs. (QS-7019-000-BB-A1)Ceased publication in 2001?.Incorrect catalogue number (R71-60/2000) and ISBN (0-662-64790-4) printed in this publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number R71-60/1999E-PDF
- Stratégie d'emploi pour les jeunes Inuits et des Premières nations, rapport annuel. pour Numéro de catalogue R71-60F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1702-1146 Électronique.1999-2000. 2001. 44p. Glossaire, photographies, tableaux. (QS-7013-010-BB-A1)A cessé de paraître en 2001?.Le n° de catalogue (R71-60-2001) et ISBN (0-662-654374) imprimés dans cette publication sont incorrects.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue R71-60/2000F-PDF
- First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy, annual report. for Catalogue Number R71-60E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1702-1138 Electronic.1999-2000. 2001. 44p. Glossary, photographs, tables. (QS-7013-010-BB-A1)Ceased publication in 2001?.Incorrect catalogue number (R71-60-2001) and ISBN (0-662-654374) printed in this publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number R71-60/2000E-PDF
- Stratégie d'emploi pour les jeunes Inuits et des Premières nations, rapport annuel. pour Numéro de catalogue R71-60F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1702-1146 Électronique.2000-2001. 33p. Glossaire, photographies, tableaux.A cessé de paraître en 2001?.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue R71-60/2001F-PDF
- First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy, annual report. for Catalogue Number R71-60E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1702-1138 Electronic.2000-2001. 29p. Glossary, photographs, tables.Ceased publication in 2001?.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number R71-60/2001E-PDF
Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières
- Compte de prestations de décès de la fonction publique, rapport actuariel au ... pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/17F-pdf Triennal. Ottawa. Électronique.31 décembre 1983. [Soumis] le 10 juin 1988. 18p. Tableaux.Le livr. de 1980 publ. par le dép. sous son nom antérieur : Dép. des assurances.Titre de la page de titre additionnelle: Loi sur la pension de la fonction publique, Partie II. Rapport sur l'examen actuariel du Compte de prestations de décès de la fonction publique au Fonds du revenu consolidé, au 31 décembre 1983.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/17-1983F-PDF
- Public Service Death Benefit Account, actuarial report as at ... for Catalogue Number IN3-16/17E-pdf Triennial. Ottawa. Electronic.December 31, 1983. [Submitted] June 10, 1988. 17p. Tables.Issue for 1980 published by the dept. under its earlier name: Department of Insurance.Title from added title page: Public Service Superannuation Act, Part II. Report on actuarial examination of the Public Service Death Benefit Account in the Consolidated Revenue Fund as at December 31, 1983.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number IN3-16/17-1983E-PDF
- Compte de prestations de décès de la fonction publique, rapport actuariel au ... pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/17F-pdf Triennal. Ottawa. Électronique.31 décembre 1986. [Soumis] le 12 février 1990. 23p. Tableaux.Le livr. de 1980 publ. par le dép. sous son nom antérieur : Dép. des assurances.Titre de la page de titre additionnelle: Loi sur la pension de la fonction publique, Partie II. Rapport sur l'examen actuariel du Compte de prestations de décès de la fonction publique au Fonds du revenu consolidé, au 31 décembre 1986.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/17-1986F-PDF
- Public Service Death Benefit Account, actuarial report as at ... for Catalogue Number IN3-16/17E-pdf Triennial. Ottawa. Electronic.December 31, 1986. [Submitted] February 12, 1990. 23p. Tables.Issue for 1980 published by the dept. under its earlier name: Department of Insurance.Title from added title page: Public Service Superannuation Act, Part II. Report on actuarial examination of the Public Service Death Benefit Account in the Consolidated Revenue Fund as at December 31, 1986.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number IN3-16/17-1986E-PDF
- Compte de prestations de décès de la fonction publique, rapport actuariel au ... pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/17F-pdf Triennal. Ottawa. Électronique.31 décembre 1989. [Soumis] Le 18 décembre 1991. 32p. Tableaux.Le livr. de 1980 publ. par le dép. sous son nom antérieur : Dép. des assurances.Titre de la page de titre additionnelle: Loi sur la pension de la fonction publique, Partie II. Rapport sur l'examen actuariel du Compte de prestations de décès de la fonction publique au Fonds du revenu consolidé au 31 décembre 1989.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/17-1989F-PDF
- Public Service Death Benefit Account, actuarial report as at ... for Catalogue Number IN3-16/17E-pdf Triennial. Ottawa. Electronic.December 31, 1989. [Submitted] December 18, 1991. 32p.Issue for 1980 published by the dept. under its earlier name: Department of Insurance.Title from added title page: Public Service Superannuation Act, Part II. Report on actuarial examination of the Public Service Death Benefit Account in the Consolidated Revenue Fund as at December 31, 1989.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number IN3-16/17-1989E-PDF
- Rapport actuariel ..., régime de pensions des parlementaires. pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/6F-pdf Triennal. Ottawa. ISSN 1701-8609 Électronique.31 mars 1995. [Soumis] Le 27 juin 1996. 65p. Graphiques, tableaux.Titre de renvoi: Rapport actuariel au ... sur le régime de pensions des parlementaires.Légère variante dans le titre.« VERSION #6
6 février 1997 »--p.1 de 65.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/6-1995F-PDF - Actuarial report as at ... on the Pension Plan for Members of Parliament. for Catalogue Number IN3-16/6E-pdf Triennial. Ottawa. ISSN 1701-8595 Electronic.31 March 1995. [Submitted] 27 June 1996. 65p. Graphs, tables."Draft#14
6 February 1997"--p.1 of 65.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number IN3-16/6-1995E-PDF - Rapport actuariel ..., régime de pensions des parlementaires. pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/6F-pdf Triennal. Ottawa. ISSN 1701-8609 Électronique.31 mars 2001. [Soumis] Le 6 septembre 2002. 85p. Tableaux.Titre de renvoi: Rapport actuariel au ... sur le régime de pensions des parlementaires.Légère variante dans le titre.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/6-2001F-PDF
- Actuarial report on the Pension Plan for the Members of Parliament as at 31 March ... for Catalogue Number IN3-16/6E-PDF Triennial. Ottawa. ISSN 2292-6313 Electronic.31 March 2001. [Submitted] 6 September 2002. 83p. Tables.Running title: Actuarial report, pension plan for Members of Parliament as at 31 March 2001.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number IN3-16/6-2001E-PDF
- Rapport actuariel ..., régime de pensions des parlementaires. pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/6F-pdf Triennal. Ottawa. ISSN 1701-8609 Électronique.31 mars 2004. [Soumis] Le 13 mai 2005. 68p. Tableaux.Titre de renvoi: Rapport actuariel au ... sur le régime de pensions des parlementaires.Légère variante dans le titre.Titre en tête de chaque page: Rapport actuariel, régime de pensions des parlementaires au 31 mars 2004.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/6-2004F-PDF
- Actuarial report on the Pension Plan for the Members of Parliament as at 31 March ... for Catalogue Number IN3-16/6E-PDF Triennial. Ottawa. ISSN 2292-6313 Electronic.31 March 2004. 2005. 68p. Tables.Running title: Actuarial report, pension plan for Members of Parliament as at 31 March 2004.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number IN3-16/6-2004E-PDF
Bureau de l'actuaire en chef
- Rapport actuariel, modifiant le rapport actuariel sur le régime de retraite de la fonction publique du Canada ... pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/10-1F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.Au 31 mars 2011. [Soumis] Le 28 janvier 2013. 39p. Tableaux.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/10-1-2011F-PDF
- Actuarial report, updating the actuarial report on the pension plan for the Public Service of Canada ... for Catalogue Number IN3-16/10-1E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.As at 31 March 2011. [Submitted] 28 January 2013. 36p. Tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number IN3-16/10-1-2011E-PDF
- Rapport actuariel au 31 décembre ... sur le Compte de prestations de décès de la Force régulière. pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/16F-pdf Triennal. Ottawa. Électronique.1990. [Soumis] Le 5 octobre 1995. 33p. Tableaux.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/16-1990F-PDF
- Actuarial report as at 31 December ... on the Regular Force Death Benefit Account. for Catalogue Number IN3-16/16E-pdf Triennial. Ottawa. Electronic.1990. [Submitted] 5 October 1995. 35p. Graphs, tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number IN3-16/16-1990E-PDF
- Rapport actuariel au 31 décembre ... sur le Compte de prestations de décès de la Force régulière. pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/16F-pdf Triennal. Ottawa. Électronique.1993. [Soumis] Le 5 octobre1995. 36p. Graphiques, tableaux.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/16-1993F-PDF
- Actuarial report as at 31 December ... on the Regular Force Death Benefit Account. for Catalogue Number IN3-16/16E-pdf Triennial. Ottawa. Electronic.1993. [Submitted] 5 October 1995. 36p. Graphs, tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number IN3-16/16-1993E-PDF
- Rapport actuariel ... sur le Compte de prestations de décès de la force régulière. pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/16F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. ISSN 1917-7887 Électronique.Au 31 mars 2000. [Soumis] 18 janvier 2002. 44p. Graphiques, tableaux.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/16-2000F-PDF
- Actuarial report on the Regular Force Death Benefit Account. for Catalogue Number IN3-16/16E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. ISSN 1917-7879 Electronic.As at 31 March 2000. [Submitted] 18 January 2002. 44p. Graphs, tables.Variant title: Actuarial report on the Regular Force Death Benefit Account as at 31 March ...Running title: Actuarial report, Regular Force Death Benefit Account as at 31 March 2000.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number IN3-16/16-2000E-PDF
- Rapport actuariel ... sur le Compte de prestations de décès de la force régulière. pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/16F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. ISSN 1917-7887 Électronique.Au 31 mars 2002. 2004. 43p. Graphiques, tableaux.Titre en tête de chaque page: Rapport actuariel, Compte de prestations de décès de la Force régulière au 31 mars 2002.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/16-2002F-PDF
- Actuarial report on the Regular Force Death Benefit Account. for Catalogue Number IN3-16/16E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. ISSN 1917-7879 Electronic.As at 31 March 2002. 2004. 42p. Graphs, tables.Variant title: Actuarial report on the Regular Force Death Benefit Account as at 31 March ...Running title: Actuarial report, Regular Force Death Benefit Account as at 31 March 2002.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number IN3-16/16-2002E-PDF
- Compte de prestations de décès de la fonction publique, rapport actuariel au ... pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/17F-pdf Triennal. Ottawa. Électronique.31 décembre 1992. [Soumis] Le 5 décembre 1994. 34p. Graphiques, tableaux.Le livr. de 1980 publ. par le dép. sous son nom antérieur : Dép. des assurances.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/17-1992F-PDF
- Public Service Death Benefit Account, actuarial report as at ... for Catalogue Number IN3-16/17E-pdf Triennial. Ottawa. Electronic.31 December 1992. [Submitted] 5 December 1994. 34p. Graphs, tables.Issue for 1980 published by the dept. under its earlier name: Department of Insurance.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number IN3-16/17-1992E-PDF
- Rapport actuariel sur le Compte de prestations de décès de la fonction publique au 31 mars ... pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/17F-PDF Triennal. Ottawa. Électronique.31 mars 2002. 2003. 44p. Graphiques, tableaux.Titre en tête de chaque page: Rapport actuariel, Compte de prestations de décès de la fonction publique au 31 mars 2002.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/17-2002F-PDF
- Actuarial report on the Public Service Death Benefit Account as at 31 March ... for Catalogue Number IN3-16/17E-PDF Triennial. Ottawa. Electronic.31 March 2002. 2003. 44p. Graphs, tables.Running title: Actuarial report, Public Service Death Benefit Account as at 31 March 2002.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number IN3-16/17-2002E-PDF
- Rapport actuariel sur le Compte de prestations de décès de la fonction publique au 31 mars ... pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/17F-PDF Triennal. Ottawa. Électronique.31 mars 2011. [Soumis] Le 25 mai 2012. 44p. Graphiques, tableaux.Titre en tête de chaque page: Rapport actuariel, Compte de prestations de décès de la fonction publique au 31 mars 2011.Gratuit. (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-98668-5Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/17-2011F-PDF
- Actuarial report on the Public Service Death Benefit Account as at 31 March ... for Catalogue Number IN3-16/17E-PDF Triennial. Ottawa. Electronic.31 March 2011. [Submitted] 25 May 2012. 42p. Graphs, tables.Running title: Actuarial report, Public Service Death Benefit Account as at 31 March 2011.Free. (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-20071-2Catalogue Number IN3-16/17-2011E-PDF
- Rapport actuariel, modifiant le rapport acturiel sur le régime de retraite des parlementaires ... pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/6-1F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.Au 31 mars 2010. [Soumis] Le 12 avril 2013. 22p. Tableaux.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/6-1-2010F-PDF
- Actuarial report, updating the actuarial report on the pension plan for the Members of Parliament ... for Catalogue Number IN3-16/6-1E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.As at 31 March 2010. [Submitted] 12 April 2013. 22p. Tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number IN3-16/6-1-2010E-PDF
- Rapport actuariel ..., régime de pensions des parlementaires. pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/6F-pdf Triennal. Ottawa. ISSN 1701-8609 Électronique.31 mars 1998. [Soumis] Le 9 août 1999. 72p. Graphiques, tableaux.Titre de renvoi: Rapport actuariel au ... sur le régime de pensions des parlementaires.Légère variante dans le titre.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/6-1998F-PDF
- Actuarial report as at ... on the Pension Plan for Members of Parliament. for Catalogue Number IN3-16/6E-pdf Triennial. Ottawa. ISSN 1701-8595 Electronic.31 March 1995. [Submitted] 9 August 1999. 72p. Graphs, tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number IN3-16/6-1998E-PDF
Conseil des Arts du Canada
- Conseil des arts du Canada - rapport annuel. pour Numéro de catalogue K21-1F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1493-5597 Électronique.2001-2002. 50p. Photographies.Défectueux: « Rapport financier » manque.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue K21-1/2002F-PDF
- Canada Council for the Arts - annual report. for Catalogue Number K21-1E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1493-5589 Electronic.2001-2002. 50p. Photographs.Imperfect: "Financial report" missing.URL: Electronic Publication for: Canada Council for the Arts - annual report 2001-2002. K21-1/2002E-PDF - PDF. (7.82 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number K21-1/2002E-PDF
- Conseil des arts du Canada - rapport annuel. pour Numéro de catalogue K21-1F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1493-5597 Électronique.2002-2003. 34p. Ill., photographies.Défectueux: « Rapport financier » manque.URL: Publication électronique pour : Conseil des Arts du Canada - rapport annuel 02-03. K21-1/2003F-PDF - PDF. (1.42 Mo).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue K21-1/2003F-PDF
- Canada Council for the Arts - annual report. for Catalogue Number K21-1E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1493-5589 Electronic.2002-2003. 34p. Illus., photographs.Imperfect: "Financial report" missing.URL: Electronic Publication for: Canada Council for the Arts - annual report 02-03. K21-1/2003E-PDF - PDF. (1.42 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number K21-1/2003E-PDF
Conseil canadien des ministres de l'environnement
- Cadre de travail pour l'évaluation du risque écotoxicologique: pour Numéro de catalogue En108-4/10-1-1997F-PDF annexes techniques, Winnipeg (Manitoba), Mars 1997. 81p. Figures, graphiques, références, tableaux. Électronique.Le n° de catalogue (En108-4/10-1-1997F) et l'ISBN (0-660-95605-5) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue En108-4/10-1-1997F-PDF
- A framework for ecological risk assessment: for Catalogue Number En108-4/10-1-1997E-PDF technical appendices, Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 1997. 72p. Figs., graphs, references, tables. Electronic.The catalogue number (En108-4/10-1-1997E) and ISBN (0-660-19953-3) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Electronic Publication for: A framework for ecological risk assessment: En108-4/10-1-1997E-PDF - PDF. (3.91 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number En108-4/10-1-1997E-PDF
- Cadre pour l'évaluation du risque écotoxicologique: pour Numéro de catalogue En108-4/10-1996F-PDF orientation générale, Winnipeg (Manitoba), Mars 1996. 46p. Figures, glossaire, références, tableaux. Électronique.Le n° de catalogue (En108-4/10-1996F) et l'ISBN (0-662-81017-1) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.URL: Publication électronique pour : Cadre pour l'évaluation du risque écotoxicologique: En108-4/10-1996F-PDF - PDF. (2.80 Mo).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue En108-4/10-1996F-PDF
- A framework for ecological risk assessment: for Catalogue Number En108-4/10-1996E-PDF general guidance, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1996. 41p. Figs., glossary, references, tables. (PN 1195) Electronic.URL: Electronic Publication for: A framework for ecological risk assessment: En108-4/10-1996E-PDF - PDF. (2.41 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number En108-4/10-1996E-PDF
- Code de recommandations techniques pour la protection de l'environnement applicable aux systèmes de stockage hors sol de produits pétroliers, pour Numéro de catalogue En108-4/21-1994F-PDF Winnipeg (Manitoba), Août 1994. 74p. Glossaire. (Abstract in English). (CCME-EPC-LST-71F) Électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue En108-4/21-1994F-PDF
- Environmental code of practice for aboveground storage tank systems containing petroleum products, for Catalogue Number En108-4/21-1994E-PDF Winnipeg, Manitoba, August 1994. 70p. Glossary. (Résumé en français.) (PN 1148) Electronic.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number En108-4/21-1994E-PDF
- Analyse des pratiques et des initiatives de conservation de l'eau au Canada et ailleurs: pour Numéro de catalogue En108-4/68-2005F-PDF enjeux, possibilités et orientations proposées, Winnipeg (Manitoba), c2006. 325p. Cartes, figures, glossaire, graphiques, photographies, références, tableaux. (PN 1360) Électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue En108-4/68-2005F-PDF
- An analysis of Canadian and other water conservation practices and initiatives: for Catalogue Number En108-4/68-2005E-PDF issues, opportunities and suggested directions, Toronto, c2006. 274p. Figs., glossary, graphs, maps, photographs, references, tables. (PN 1359) Electronic.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number En108-4/68-2005E-PDF
Département des assurances
- Compte de prestations de décès de la fonction publique, rapport actuariel au ... pour Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/17F-pdf Triennal. Ottawa. Électronique.31 décembre 1980. [Soumis] le 21 décembre 1984. 17p. Tableaux.Le livr. de 1980 publ. par le dép. sous son nom antérieur : Dép. des assurances.Titre de la page de titre additionnelle: Loi sur la pension de la fonction publique, Partie II. Rapport sur l'examen actuariel du Compte de prestations de décès de la fonction publique au Fonds du revenu consolidé, au 31 décembre 1980.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue IN3-16/17-1980F-PDF
- Public Service Death Benefit Account, actuarial report as at ... for Catalogue Number IN3-16/17E-pdf Triennial. Ottawa. Electronic.December 31, 1980. [Submitted] December 21, 1984. 15p. Tables.Issue for 1980 published by the dept. under its earlier name: Department of Insurance.Title from added title page: Public Service Superannuation Act, Part II. Report on actuarial examination of the Public Service Death Benefit Account in the Consolidated Revenue Fund as at December 31, 1980.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number IN3-16/17-1980E-PDF
Élections Canada
- Aperçu de l'évaluation postélectorale sur l'élection générale de 2000. pour Numéro de catalogue SE3-60/2001F-PDF Ottawa, [2001]. 25p. Tableaux. Électronique.Sur la page de titre: Études de recherche.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SE3-60/2001F-PDF
- 2000 general election post-event overview. for Catalogue Number SE3-60/2001E-PDF Ottawa, [2001]. 21p. Tables. Electronic.On title page: Research studies.URL: Electronic Publication for: 2000 general election post-event overview. SE3-60/2001E-PDF - PDF. (158 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number SE3-60/2001E-PDF
Environnement Canada
- Accord Canada-États-Unis sur la qualité de l’air, rapport d’étape. pour Numéro de catalogue En85-1F-PDF Biennal. Ottawa. ISSN 1910-5231 Électronique.Mars 1992. 1992. 77p. Cartes, graphiques, photographies, tableaux.Canada-États-Unis accord sur la qualité de l'air, rapport d'étape.Le n° de catalogue (EN40-338/1992F) et l'ISBN (0-622-97620-7) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue En40-388/1992F-PDF
- United States/Canada Air Quality Agreement - progress report. for Catalogue Number En85-1E-pdf Biennial. Ottawa. Electronic.March 1992. 1992. 77p. Graphs, maps, photographs, tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number En40-388/1992E-PDF
- Accord Canada-États-Unis sur la qualité de l’air, rapport d’étape. pour Numéro de catalogue En85-1F-PDF Biennal. Ottawa. ISSN 1910-5231 Électronique.1994. 66p. Cartes, graphiques, photographies, tableaux.Canada-États-Unis accord sur la qualité de l'air, rapport d'étape.Le n° de catalogue (En40-388/1994F) et l'ISBN (0-662-99377-2) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue En40-388/1994F-PDF
- Canada–United States Air Quality Agreement progress report. for Catalogue Number En85-1E-PDF Biennial. Ottawa. ISSN 1910-5223 Electronic.1994. 66p. Graphs, maps, photographs, tables.Title from added title page: Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement 1994 progress report.The catalogue number (En40-388/1994E) and ISBN (0-662-22502-3) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number En40-388/1994E-PDF
- Canada–United States Air Quality Agreement progress report. for Catalogue Number En85-1E-PDF Biennial. Ottawa. ISSN 1910-5223 Electronic.1996. 100p. Bibliography, graphs, maps, photographs, tables.The catalogue number (En40-388/1996E) and ISBN (0-662-24931-3) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number En40-388/1996E-PDF
- Accord Canada-États-Unis sur la qualité de l’air, rapport d’étape. pour Numéro de catalogue En85-1F-PDF Biennal. Ottawa. ISSN 1910-5231 Électronique.1998. 34p. Bibliographie, cartes, graphiques, photographies, tableaux.Canada-États-Unis accord sur la qualité de l'air, rapport d'étape.Le n° de catalogue (EN40-388/1998F) et l'ISBN (0-662-83173-X) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue En40-388/1998F-PDF
- Canada–United States Air Quality Agreement progress report. for Catalogue Number En85-1E-PDF Biennial. Ottawa. ISSN 1910-5223 Electronic.1998. 34p. Bibliography, graphs, maps, photographs, tables.The catalogue number (EN40-388/1998E) and ISBN (0-662-27163-7) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number En40-388/1998E-PDF
- Accord Canada-États-Unis sur la qualité de l’air, rapport d’étape. pour Numéro de catalogue En85-1F-PDF Biennal. Ottawa. ISSN 1910-5231 Électronique.2000. 52p. Cartes, glossaire, graphiques, photographies, tableaux.Canada-États-Unis accord sur la qualité de l'air, rapport d'étape.Titre de la page de titre additionnelle: Accord sur la qualité de l'air - 2000 rapport d'étape.Le n° de catalogue (EN40-388/2000F) et l'ISBN (0-662-85067-X) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue En40-388/2000F-PDF
- Canada–United States Air Quality Agreement progress report. for Catalogue Number En85-1E-PDF Biennial. Ottawa. ISSN 1910-5223 Electronic.2000. 48p. Glossary, graphs, maps, photographs, tables.Title from added title page: Air Quality Agreement, 2000 progress report.The catalogue number (EN40-388/2000E) and ISBN (0-662-29387-8) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number En40-388/2000E-PDF
Gendarmerie royale du Canada
Centre des armes à feu Canada
- Commissaire aux armes à feu - rapport. pour Numéro de catalogue PS96F-PDF Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1927-6931 Électronique.2008. 39p. Graphiques, organigramme, photographies, tableaux.Le titre provient du titre courant.URL: Publication électronique pour : [Commissaire aux armes à feu, rapport de 2008]. PS96-2008F-PDF - PDF. (11.48 Mo).Gratuit. (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-91624-8Numéro de catalogue PS96-2008F-PDF
- Commissioner of Firearms report. for Catalogue Number PS96E-PDF Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1927-6923 Electronic.2008. 39p. Graphs, organization chart, photographs, tables.Key Title: Report (Canadian Firearms Program).Title taken from running title.URL: Electronic Publication for: [Commissioner of Firearms 2008 report]. PS96-2008E-PDF - PDF. (11.55 MB).Free. (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-12693-7Catalogue Number PS96-2008E-PDF
Industrie Canada
- Programme de financement des petites entreprises du Canada: pour Numéro de catalogue Iu188-107/2012F-PDF aide les petites entreprises à démarrer ou à s’agrandir. Ottawa, [2012]. 1p. Photographies. (60592) Électronique.«Date effective le 1er avril, 2014».Gratuit. (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-98629-6Numéro de catalogue Iu188-107/2012F-PDF
- Canada Small Business Financing Program: for Catalogue Number Iu188-107/2012E-PDF helping your business start or grow. Ottawa, [2012]. 1p. Photographs. (60592) Electronic."Effective April 1st, 2014".URL: Electronic Publication for: Canada Small Business Financing Program: Iu188-107/2012E-PDF - PDF. (236 KB).Free. (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-20030-9Catalogue Number Iu188-107/2012E-PDF
- Participation de l'industrie canadienne au Programme d'avions de combat interarmées F-35. pour Numéro de catalogue Iu42-2F-PDF Ottawa. Électronique.Décembre 2012. 15p. Tableaux.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Iu42-2/2012-1F-PDF
- Canadian industrial participation in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program. for Catalogue Number Iu42-2E-PDF Ottawa. Electronic.December 2012. 14p. Tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Iu42-2/2012-1E-PDF
- Participation de l'industrie canadienne au Programme d'avions de combat interarmées F-35. pour Numéro de catalogue Iu42-2F-PDF Ottawa. Électronique.Printemps 2013. 9p. Tableaux.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Iu42-2/2013-1F-PDF
- Canadian industrial participation in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program. for Catalogue Number Iu42-2E-PDF Ottawa. Electronic.Spring 2013. 8p. Tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Iu42-2/2013-1E-PDF
- Participation de l'industrie canadienne au Programme d'avions de combat interarmées F-35. pour Numéro de catalogue Iu42-2F-PDF Ottawa. Électronique.Automne 2013. 9p. Tableaux.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Iu42-2/2013-2F-PDF
- Canadian industrial participation in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program. for Catalogue Number Iu42-2E-PDF Ottawa. Electronic.Fall 2013. 8p. Tables.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Iu42-2/2013-2E-PDF
Institut canadien d'information sur la santé
- Analyse en bref. pour Numéro de catalogue H117-5F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.--Niveaux de soins alternatifs au Canada. pour Numéro de catalogue H117-5/30-2009F-PDF Ottawa, Le 14 janvier 2009. 23p. Carte, figures, graphiques, références, tableaux.Autre titre cité pour la publication: Analyses en bref du Registre national des traumatismes.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue H117-5/30-2009F-PDF
- Analysis in brief. for Catalogue Number H117-5E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.--Alternate level of care in Canada. for Catalogue Number H117-5/30-2009E-PDF Ottawa, January 14, 2009. 20p. Figs., graphs, map, references, tables.Title also cited as: National Trauma Registry analysis in brief.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Alternate level of care in Canada. H117-5/30-2009E-PDF - PDF. (1327 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number H117-5/30-2009E-PDF
- Analyse en bref. pour Numéro de catalogue H117-5F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.--Utilisation d’antipsychotiques par les personnes âgées: pour Numéro de catalogue H117-5/31-2009F-PDF une analyse des demandes de remboursement demédicaments, 2001 à 2007. Ottawa, Juillet 2009. 25p. Graphiques, références, tableaux.Autre titre cité pour la publication: Analyses en bref du Registre national des traumatismes.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue H117-5/31-2009F-PDF
- Analysis in brief. for Catalogue Number H117-5E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.--Antipsychotic use in seniors: for Catalogue Number H117-5/31-2009E-PDF an analysis focusing on drug claims, 2001 to 2007. Ottawa, July 2009. 23p. Graphs, references, tables.Title also cited as: National Trauma Registry analysis in brief.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Antipsychotic use in seniors: H117-5/31-2009E-PDF - PDF. (622 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number H117-5/31-2009E-PDF
Office national de l'énergie
- Résultats du sondage sur les services liés aux pipelines. pour Numéro de catalogue NE12-9F-PDF Biennal. Calgary. Électronique.Mai 2005. 11p. Graphiques, tableau.Titre de renvoi: Office national de l’énergie, résultats du sondage sur les services liés aux pipelines.« L’Office a décidé d’espacer les sondages à partir de cette année. En réponse aux commentaires des expéditeurs, l’Office a remplacé le sondage annuel par un sondage bisannuel à compter de 2011 (pas de sondage en 2010). »--Introduction, Mai 2011.Annuel, 2005-2009. 2010 n'ont pas été publ. Biennal, 2011--.Titre de renvoi: Office national de l’énergie, résultats du sondage sur les services liés aux pipelines.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue NE12-9/2005F-PDF
- Pipeline services survey results. for Catalogue Number NE12-9E-PDF Biennial. Calgary. Electronic.May 2005. 11p. Graphs, table.Variant title: National Energy Board, pipeline services survey results."In response to comments from shippers, the Board decided to move from an annual survey to administering the Survey every other year commencing in 2011 (no survey in 2010)."--Introduction, May 2011.Annual, 2005-2009. Issue for 2010 not published. Biennial, 2011-- .Variant title: National Energy Board pipeline services survey results.URL: Electronic Publication for: Pipeline services survey results, May 2005. NE12-9/2005E-PDF - PDF. (182 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number NE12-9/2005E-PDF
- Résultats du sondage sur les services liés aux pipelines. pour Numéro de catalogue NE12-9F-PDF Biennal. Calgary. Électronique.Mai 2006. 16p. Graphiques, tableaux.Titre de renvoi: Office national de l’énergie, résultats du sondage sur les services liés aux pipelines.« L’Office a décidé d’espacer les sondages à partir de cette année. En réponse aux commentaires des expéditeurs, l’Office a remplacé le sondage annuel par un sondage bisannuel à compter de 2011 (pas de sondage en 2010). »--Introduction, Mai 2011.Annuel, 2005-2009. 2010 n'ont pas été publ. Biennal, 2011--.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue NE12-9/2006F-PDF
- Pipeline services survey results. for Catalogue Number NE12-9E-PDF Biennial. Calgary. Electronic.May 2006. 14p. Graphs, tables.Variant title: National Energy Board, pipeline services survey results."In response to comments from shippers, the Board decided to move from an annual survey to administering the Survey every other year commencing in 2011 (no survey in 2010)."--Introduction, May 2011.Annual, 2005-2009. Issue for 2010 not published. Biennial, 2011-- .URL: Electronic Publication for: Pipeline services survey results, May 2006. NE12-9/2006E-PDF - PDF. (109 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number NE12-9/2006E-PDF
- Résultats du sondage sur les services liés aux pipelines. pour Numéro de catalogue NE12-9F-PDF Biennal. Calgary. Électronique.Mai 2007. 17p. Graphiques, tableaux.Titre de renvoi: Office national de l’énergie, résultats du sondage sur les services liés aux pipelines.« L’Office a décidé d’espacer les sondages à partir de cette année. En réponse aux commentaires des expéditeurs, l’Office a remplacé le sondage annuel par un sondage bisannuel à compter de 2011 (pas de sondage en 2010). »--Introduction, Mai 2011.Annuel, 2005-2009. 2010 n'ont pas été publ. Biennal, 2011--.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue NE12-9/2007F-PDF
- Pipeline services survey results. for Catalogue Number NE12-9E-PDF Biennial. Calgary. Electronic.May 2007. 15p. Graphs, tables.Variant title: National Energy Board, pipeline services survey results."In response to comments from shippers, the Board decided to move from an annual survey to administering the Survey every other year commencing in 2011 (no survey in 2010)."--Introduction, May 2011.Annual, 2005-2009. Issue for 2010 not published. Biennial, 2011-- .Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number NE12-9/2007E-PDF
- Résultats du sondage sur les services liés aux pipelines. pour Numéro de catalogue NE12-9F-PDF Biennal. Calgary. Électronique.Mai 2008. 22p. Graphiques, tableaux.Titre de renvoi: Office national de l’énergie, résultats du sondage sur les services liés aux pipelines.« L’Office a décidé d’espacer les sondages à partir de cette année. En réponse aux commentaires des expéditeurs, l’Office a remplacé le sondage annuel par un sondage bisannuel à compter de 2011 (pas de sondage en 2010). »--Introduction, Mai 2011.Annuel, 2005-2009. 2010 n'ont pas été publ. Biennal, 2011--.« Pièce jointe nº 1 ».Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue NE12-9/2008F-PDF
- Pipeline services survey results. for Catalogue Number NE12-9E-PDF Biennial. Calgary. Electronic.May 2008. 19p. Graphs, tables.Variant title: National Energy Board, pipeline services survey results."In response to comments from shippers, the Board decided to move from an annual survey to administering the Survey every other year commencing in 2011 (no survey in 2010)."--Introduction, May 2011.Annual, 2005-2009. Issue for 2010 not published. Biennial, 2011-- .Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number NE12-9/2008E-PDF
- Résultats du sondage sur les services liés aux pipelines. pour Numéro de catalogue NE12-9F-PDF Biennal. Calgary. Électronique.Mai 2009. 27p. Graphiques, tableaux.Titre de renvoi: Office national de l’énergie, résultats du sondage sur les services liés aux pipelines.« L’Office a décidé d’espacer les sondages à partir de cette année. En réponse aux commentaires des expéditeurs, l’Office a remplacé le sondage annuel par un sondage bisannuel à compter de 2011 (pas de sondage en 2010). »--Introduction, Mai 2011.Annuel, 2005-2009. 2010 n'ont pas été publ. Biennal, 2011--.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue NE12-9/2009F-PDF
- Pipeline services survey results. for Catalogue Number NE12-9E-PDF Biennial. Calgary. Electronic.May 2009. 26p. Graphs, tables.Variant title: National Energy Board, pipeline services survey results."In response to comments from shippers, the Board decided to move from an annual survey to administering the Survey every other year commencing in 2011 (no survey in 2010)."--Introduction, May 2011.Annual, 2005-2009. Issue for 2010 not published. Biennial, 2011-- .URL: Electronic Publication for: Pipeline services survey results, May 2009. NE12-9/2009E-PDF - PDF. (108 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number NE12-9/2009E-PDF
- Résultats du sondage sur les services liés aux pipelines. pour Numéro de catalogue NE12-9F-PDF Biennal. Calgary. Électronique.Mai 2011. 23p. Graphiques, tableaux.Titre de renvoi: Office national de l’énergie, résultats du sondage sur les services liés aux pipelines.« L’Office a décidé d’espacer les sondages à partir de cette année. En réponse aux commentaires des expéditeurs, l’Office a remplacé le sondage annuel par un sondage bisannuel à compter de 2011 (pas de sondage en 2010). »--Introduction, Mai 2011.Annuel, 2005-2009. 2010 n'ont pas été publ. Biennal, 2011--.L’Office a décidé d’espacer les sondages à partir de cette année. En réponse aux commentaires des expéditeurs, l’Office a remplacé le sondage annuel par un sondage bisannuel à compter de 2011 (pas de sondage en 2010).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue NE12-9/2011F-PDF
- Pipeline services survey results. for Catalogue Number NE12-9E-PDF Biennial. Calgary. Electronic.May 2011. 23p. Graphs, tables.Variant title: National Energy Board, pipeline services survey results."In response to comments from shippers, the Board decided to move from an annual survey to administering the Survey every other year commencing in 2011 (no survey in 2010)."--Introduction, May 2011.Annual, 2005-2009. Issue for 2010 not published. Biennial, 2011-- .This year, the Board reduced the frequency of the Survey. In response to comments from shippers, the Board decided to move from an annual survey to administering the Survey every other year commencing in 2011 (no survey in 2010).URL: Electronic Publication for: Pipeline services survey results, May 2011. NE12-9/2011E-PDF - PDF. (598 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number NE12-9/2011E-PDF
- Résultats du sondage sur le Réglement sur la prévention des dommages. pour Numéro de catalogue NE23-178/2001F-PDF Calgary, Le 15 février 2001. 37p. Graphiques, tableaux. Électronique.Titre en tête de chaque page: Rapport sur le sondage sur le RPD.« Travaux d'excavation et de construction à proximité de pipelines »--p. 2 de 37.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue NE23-178/2001F-PDF
- Damage Prevention Regulations survey results. for Catalogue Number NE23-178/2001E-PDF Calgary, February 15, 2001. 37p. Graphs, tables. Electronic.Running title: DPR survey report."Excavation and construction near pipelines"--p. 2 of 37.URL: Electronic Publication for: Damage Prevention Regulations survey results. NE23-178/2001E-PDF - PDF. (313 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number NE23-178/2001E-PDF
Office des normes générales du Canada
- CAN/CGSB-32.310-2006. --Systèmes de production biologique - principes généraux et normes de gestion, pour Numéro de catalogue P29-32-310-2006F-PDF Réimprimée en août 2011, incorpore le rectificatif n° 1. Ottawa, Septembre 2006, modifiée en octobre 2008, décembre 2009 et juin 2011. 53p. Glossaire, références, tableaux.Remplace CAN/CGSB-32.310-99.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue P29-32-310-2006F-PDF
- CAN/CGSB-32.310-2006. --Organic production systems - general principles and management standards, for Catalogue Number P29-32-310-2006E-PDF Reprinted August 2011, incorporating Corrigendum No. 1. Ottawa, September 2006, amended October 2008, December 2009 and June 2011. 48p. Glossary, references, tables.Supersedes CAN/CGSB-32.310-99.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number P29-32-310-2006E-PDF
- CAN/CGSB-32.311-2006. --Systèmes de production biologique - listes des substances permises, pour Numéro de catalogue P29-32-311-2006F-PDF Réimprimée en août 2011. Ottawa, Septembre 2006, modifiée en octobre 2008, décembre 2009 et juin 2011. 42p. Références, tableaux.Remplace en partie CAN/CGSB-32.310-99.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue P29-32-311-2006F-PDF
- CAN/CGSB-32.311-2006. --Organic production systems - permitted substances lists, for Catalogue Number P29-32-311-2006E-PDF Reprinted August 2011, incorporating Corrigendum No. 1. Ottawa, September 2006, amended October 2008, December 2009 and June 2011. 39p. References, tables.Supersedes part of CAN/CGSB-32.310-99.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number P29-32-311-2006E-PDF
- CAN/CGSB-32.315-2004. --Étiquetage volontaire et publicité visant les aliments issus ou non du génie génétique, pour Numéro de catalogue P29-32-315-2004F-PDF Ottawa, Avril 2004. 24p. Glossaire, références.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue P29-32-315-2004F-PDF
- CAN/CGSB-32.315-2004. --Voluntary labelling and advertising of foods that are and are not products of genetic engineering, for Catalogue Number P29-32-315-2004E-PDF Ottawa, April 2004. 23p. Glossary, references.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number P29-32-315-2004E-PDF
Pêches et Océans Canada
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2144. --Review of shellfish fisheries in Northern British Columbia during 1987 and 1988, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2144E-PDF Prince Rupert, British Columbia, 1992. 52p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On cover : Fisheries Branch, Prince Rupert, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2144E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2146. --Stock assessments for British Columbia herring in 1991 and forecasts of the potential catch in 1992, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2146E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1992. 88p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2146E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2147. --Abundance, age, size, sex and coded wire tag recoveries for Chinook salmon escapements of Kitsumkalum River, 1989-1990, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2147E-PDF Vancouver, 1992. 71p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Fisheries Branch, Vancouver, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version. "April 1992".Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2147E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2152. --Enumeration of the 1991 Harrison River Chinook salmon escapement, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2152E-PDF New Westminster, British Columbia, 1992. 33p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Fisheries Branch, New Westminster, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2152E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2153. --A coded wire tag assessment of Salmon River (Langley) coho salmon: for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2153E-PDF 1990 tag application and 1991-1992 spawner enumeration, New Westminster, British Columbia, 1992. 51p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Fisheries Branch, New Westminster, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2153E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2159. --Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC) annual report for 1991, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2159E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1992. 207p. Figs.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2159E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2168. --1991 Wannock River Chinook salmon mark-recapture experiment, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2168E-PDF Prince Rupert, British Columbia, 1992. 42p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Fisheries Branch, Prince Rupert, B. C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2168E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2172. --Stamp falls fishway counts, adipose clip/CWT recovery and biological sampling of Chinook salmon escapements on Stamp River and Robertson Creek hatchery, 1991, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2172E-PDF Vancouver, 1992. 93p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Fisheries Branch, Vancouver, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2172E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2187. --Enumeration of the 1988-1992 Squamish River Chinook salmon escapement, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2187E-PDF New Westminster, British Columbia, 1992. 110p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Operations Branch, New Westminster, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2187E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2196. --Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee, (PSARC), annual report for 1992, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2196E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1992. 205p. Figs., tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee, (PSARC), annual report for 1992, Fs97-4/2196E-PDF - PDF. (118.53 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2196E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2208. --A coded wire tag assessment of Salmon River (Langley) coho salmon: for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2208E-PDF 1991 tag application and 1992-1993 spawner enumeration, Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1992. 48p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Operations Branch, New Westminster, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2208E-PDF
- Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. Bilingue. Électronique.N° . 2210. --Liste des publications subventionnées par le MPO - Direction des Sciences, Région du Golfe, 1982 – 1992, pour Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4-2210-PDF Édition revue et corrigée. Ottawa, 1993. 53p.L'ISSN (0706-6473) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.Sur la p. de t. : Centre des pêches du Golfe, Moncton, N.-B. Le numéro de catalogue et l'ISSN de l'édition imprimée apparaissent dans la version PDF.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4-2210-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2222. --Report from the Workshop on Lake Use by Atlantic Salmon in Newfoundland, Canada, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2222E-PDF St. John's, 1993. 60p. Figs., references.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Science Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2222E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2225. --A survey of fishing practices in the Scotia-Fundy Region groundfish longline fisheries, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2225E-PDF Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1993. 644p. Figs., tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2225E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2227. --Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC) annual report for 1993, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2227E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1993. 188p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2227E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2231. --Starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus) in Deas Slough, Fraser River estuary, British Columbia, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2231E-PDF West Vancouver, British Columbia, 1993. 52p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Biological Sciences Branch, West Vancouver Laboratory, West Vancouver, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2231E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2235. --Fisheries-related information requirements for pipeline water crossings, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2235E-PDF Burlington, Ontario, 1994. 26p. Figs., references.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Fisheries and Habitat Management, Central and Arctic Region, Burlington, Ontario. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2235E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2236. --Ontario guidelines for aquatic plant control, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2236E-PDF Burlington, Ontario, 1994. 31p. Figs., references.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Fisheries and Habitat Management, Central and Arctic Region, Burlington, Ontario. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Ontario guidelines for aquatic plant control, Fs97-4/2236E-PDF - PDF. (442 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2236E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2238. --Hydrology and water use for salmon streams in the Fraser delta habitat management area, British Columbia, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2238E-PDF Vancouver, 1994. 192p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Fraser River Action Plan, Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2238E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2241. --A coded wire tag assessment of Salmon River (Langley) coho salmon: for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2241E-PDF 1992 tag application and 1993-1994 spawner enumeration, New Westminster, British Columbia, 1994. 42p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Operations Branch, New Westminster, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2241E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2243. --The rising cost of publishing in aquatic science journals, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2243E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1994. 25p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --The rising cost of publishing in aquatic science journals, Fs97-4/2243E-PDF - PDF. (1875 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2243E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2256. --Description of a daily simulation model for the Area 4 (Skeena) commercial gillnet fishery, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2256E-PDF Prince Rupert, British Columbia, 1994. 52p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Operations Branch, Prince Rupert, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2256E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2261. --A review of the research on the benthos of Lake Winnipeg, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2261E-PDF Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1994. 23p. References, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --A review of the research on the benthos of Lake Winnipeg, Fs97-4/2261E-PDF - PDF. (1404 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2261E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2277. --Phytoplankton monitoring in the Southwestern Bay of Fundy during 1990-92, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2277E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1994. 158p. Fig., references.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2277E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2282. --Calculating net change of productivity of fish habitats, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2282E-PDF Burlington, Ontario, 1995. 44p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Bayfield Institute, Burlington, Ontario. Catalogue number and ISSN of the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Calculating net change of productivity of fish habitats, Fs97-4/2282E-PDF - PDF. (2115 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2282E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2301. --Results of an Atlantic Salmon Habitat Model Building Workshop, March 17-20, 1992 St. John's, Newfoundland, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2301E-PDF St. John's, 1995. 84p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Science Branch, St. John's, NF. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2301E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2305. --Proceedings of the 1994 Salmon Escapement Workshop plus an annotated bibliography on escapement estimation, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2305E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1995. 106p. References.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2305E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2308. --Quantitative electrofishing in Newfoundland and Labrador: for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2308E-PDF result of workshops to review current methods and recommend standardization of techniques, St. John's, 1995. 156p. References, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Science Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Quantitative electrofishing in Newfoundland and Labrador: Fs97-4/2308E-PDF - PDF. (3879 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2308E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2310. --Deadman River Channel stability analysis, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2310E-PDF Vancouver, 1995. 178p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p. : Fraser River Action Plan, Vancouver, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Deadman River Channel stability analysis, Fs97-4/2310E-PDF - PDF. (43.62 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2310E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2322. --An overview of habitat classification systems, ecological models, and geographic information systems applied to shallow foreshore marine habitats, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2322E-PDF West Vancouver, British Columbia, 1995. 76p. References, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Science Branch, Pacific Region, West Vancouver Laboratory, West Vancouver, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2322E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2328. --Defensible methods for pre-and post-development assessment of fish habitat in the Great Lakes. I. A prototype methodology for headlands and offshore structures, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2328E-PDF Burlington, Ontario, 1995. 78p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, Burlington, Ontario.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2328E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2333. --Evaluation of the 1994 sediment analyses from the Miramichi channel, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2333E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1995. 70p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2333E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2343. --Proceedings of the Newfoundland Regional Groundfish Stock Assessment Review, April, May, September 1995, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2343E-PDF St. John's, 1996. 68p.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Science Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2343E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2344. --A Survey of benthic macroinvertebrates in rivers in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2344E-PDF St. John's, 1996. 77p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Science Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2344E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2347. --A reference target frame and fish deflection weir for fixed-location riverine hydroacoustic systems, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2347E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1996. 26p. Figs., references.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2347E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2350. --Annotated bibliography of nearshore fish habitat maps for the Strait of Georgia, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2350E-PDF West Vancouver, British Columbia, 1996. 37p. Fig., references.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Science Branch, West Vancouver Laboratory, West Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2350E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2352. --Approach to the physical assessment of developments affecting fish habitat in the Great Lakes nearshore regions, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2352E-PDF Burlington, Ontario, 1996. 104p. Figs., photographs, references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Central and Arctic Region, Burlington, Ontario. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2352E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2353. --Pitt River sockeye hatchery update - 1995, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2353E-PDF Vancouver, 1996. 45p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Habitat Enhancement Branch, Vancouver, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Pitt River sockeye hatchery update - 1995, Fs97-4/2353E-PDF - PDF. (1844 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2353E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2365. --The origin of a black 'sludge' from a Deer Island (New Brunswick) beach, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2365E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1996. 19p. Figs., photographs, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2365E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2371. --Distribution, timing, fate and numbers of Chinook salmon returning to the Nass River watershed in 1993, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2371E-PDF Sidney, British Columbia, 1996. 154p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2371E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2372. --The 1992 fishwheel project on the Nass River and an evaluation of fishwheels as an in season management and stock assessment tool for the Nass River, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2372E-PDF Sidney, British Columbia, 1996. 92p. Figs., references.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2372E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2373. --Escapement enumeration studies of adult coho salmon at Zolzap Creek, B.C., 1993, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2373E-PDF Sidney, British Columbia, 1996. 43p. Figs., references.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2373E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2374. --Escapement enumeration studies of adult coho salmon at Zolzap Creek, B.C., 1992, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2374E-PDF Sidney, British Columbia, 1996. 38p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2374E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2375. --Assessment of summer rearing habitat and juvenile coho abundance in the Kwinageese River, B.C., 1992, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2375E-PDF Sidney, British Columbia, 1996. 65p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2375E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2376. --Enumeration and coded-wire tagging of coho salmon smolts at Zolzap Creek, and enumeration of coho salmon smolts at Seaskinnish and Ginlulak Creeks, 1992, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2376E-PDF Sidney, British Columbia, 1996. 52p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2376E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2381. --Proceedings of the 1996 Newfoundland Assessment-Environment Ecosystem Meeting, January 23-26, 1996, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2381E-PDF St. John's, 1996. 57p. Figs., references.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p. : Science Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. Catalogue number and ISSN of the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2381E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2384. --Productive capacity of littoral habitats in the Great Lakes: for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2384E-PDF field sampling procedures (1988-1995), Burlington, Ontario, 1996. 52p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, Burlington, Ontario.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2384E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2385. --Proceedings of the 1996 Newfoundland Region Salmonid Stock Assessment Meeting, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2385E-PDF St. John's, 1996. 51p. Fig., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Science Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2385E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2386. --A field guide to counting and measuring salmonids using the Silhouette Imaging and Counting System (SIACS), for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2386E-PDF St. John's, 1997. 102p. Figs.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Science Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2386E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2387. --Results of a survey of fish, juvenile salmon diets and epibenthic invertebrates in the Englishman River Estuary, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2387E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1997. 69p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2387E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2390. --The occurrence, abundance and food of juvenile herring and salmon in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia in 1990 to 1994, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2390E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1997. 128p. Figs., tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2390E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2394. --Proceedings of a workshop to examine the status, conservation and fishing practices, including mesh size, relative to the primary fishery resources of the Inuvialuit and Gwich'in, February 15-17, 1995, Inuvik, N.W.T. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2394E-PDF Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1997. 37p. Figs., graphs, references.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2394E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2396. --Mercury and organochlorine compounds in eels (Anguilla rostrata L.) from the Miramichi watershed, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2396E-PDF St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1997. 35p. Figs., tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2396E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2401. --Nicola River watershed – Fisheries resource issues and the involvement of DFO, MELP and First Nations, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2401E-PDF Vancouver, 1997. 44p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Fraser River Action Plan, Vancouver, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2401E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2405. --Abundance, age, size, sex and coded wire tag recoveries for Chinook salmon escapement of Kitsumkalum River, 1995, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2405E-PDF New Westminster, British Columbia, 1997. 68p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Science Branch, Pacific Region, New Westminster, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2405E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2406. --Swimming performance of post spawning adult (kelts) and juvenile (smolts) Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2406E-PDF St. John's, 1997. 24p. Figs., references.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Science Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2406E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2407. --Summary of reported Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) catches and sightings in British Columbia and adjacent waters in 1996, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2407E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1997. 43p. Figs., tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2407E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2408. --A relational database for hook and line rockfish logbook data, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2408E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1997. 52p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2408E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2411. --Abundance, age, size, sex and coded wire tag recoveries for Chinook salmon escapements of Campbell and Quinsam Rivers, 1995, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2411E-PDF New Westminster, British Columbia, 1997. 68p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Science Branch, Pacific Region, New Westminster, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2411E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2412. --In season forecasting of Skeena River sockeye run size using Bayesian probability theory, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2412E-PDF Prince Rupert, British Columbia, 1997. 53p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p. : Science Branch, Prince Rupert, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2412E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2413. --Evaluation of habitat improvement and restoration initiatives for salmonids in Newfoundland, Canada, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2413E-PDF St. John's, 1997. 46p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Science Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2413E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2414. --A preliminary report on the adult Chinook productivity study conducted on the Nanaimo River during 1995, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2414E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1997. 37p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2414E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2415. --A preliminary report on juvenile Chinook production of the Cowichan River, 1996, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2415E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1997. 65p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2415E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2416. --Intertidal clam resources (Manila, Littleneck and Butter Clam). Volume I. The west coast of Vancouver Island, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2416E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1997. 124p.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Operations Branch, South Coast Division, Nanaimo, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2416E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2417. --Intertidal clam resources (Manila, Littleneck and Butter Clam). Volume II. The southern inside waters of Vancouver Island and the British Columbia mainland, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2417E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1997. 255p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Operations Branch, South Coast Division, Nanaimo, B.C. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2417E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2418. --Intertidal clam resources (Manila, Littleneck and Butter Clam). Volume III. The northern inside waters of Vancouver Island and the British Columbia mainland, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2418E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1997. 87p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Operations Branch, South Coast Division, Nanaimo, BC. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2418E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2419. --An adjustable reference target frame for fixed location hydroacoustic systems, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2419E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1997. 23p. Figs., references.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2419E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2424. --Water temperature monitoring in the Salmon River (Shuswap), B.C. 1995: for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2424E-PDF implications of measured temperatures for anadromous salmonids, Vancouver, 1997. 65p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Fraser River Action Plan, Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2424E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2425. --A comparison of catch between research and commercial vessels during a trawl survey of Hecate Strait, May 30-June 13, 1996, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2425E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1997. 48p. References, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p : Science Branch Pacific Biological Station Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2425E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2435. --Age composition of Chinook salmon in the commercial gillnet, and test fisheries of the Lower Fraser, 1958-88, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2435E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1997. 103p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p : Science Branch Pacific Biological Station Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2435E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2436. --Cruise details and biological information from the Pacific Ocean Perch Monitoring Survey, R/V Ricker, July 2-13, 1996, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2436E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1997. 101p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p : Science Branch Pacific Biological Station Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2436E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2437. --Database design and methods for the Klanawa River fisheries research project, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2437E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1997. 52p. Figs., tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p : Science Branch Pacific Biological Station Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Database design and methods for the Klanawa River fisheries research project, Fs97-4/2437E-PDF - Database. (2950 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2437E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2439. --Proceedings of the 1997 Science for Fish Habitat Management Workshop, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2439E-PDF Burlington, Ontario, 1998. 44p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Central and Arctic Region, Burlington, Ontario. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2439E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2440. --Habitat predictors of fish species occurrence and abundance in nearshore areas of Severn Sound, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2440E-PDF Burlington, Ontario, 1998. 39p. References, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p. : Bayfield Institute, Burlington, Ontario. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2440E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2441. --Productive capacity of Great Lakes nearshore fish habitats: for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2441E-PDF design and implementation of an electrofishing survey database, Burlington, Ontario, 1998. 39p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Bayfield Institute, Burlington, Ontario. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2441E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2446. --Abundance, age, size, sex and coded wire tag recoveries for Chinook salmon escapement of Kitsumkalum River, 1996, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2446E-PDF Vancouver, 1997. 64p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Science Branch, Pacific Region, Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2446E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2448. --Abundance, age, size, sex and coded-wire tag recoveries for Chinook salmon escapements of Campbell and Quinsam Rivers, 1996, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2448E-PDF Vancouver, 1997. 64p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Science Branch, Pacific Region, Vancouver, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version. "1998".Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2448E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2449. --Adult Chinook escapement assessment conducted on the Conichan River during 1996, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2449E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1998. 72p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2449E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2450. --A preliminary report on the adult Chinook salmon escapement study conducted on the Nanaimo River during 1996, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2450E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1998. 35p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2450E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2451-1. --Survey of abalone populations at Stryker Island, Tribal Group and Simonds Group, central coast of British Columbia, May, 1997, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2451-1E-PDF Revised. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1998. 27p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2451-1E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2451. --Survey of abalone populations at Stryker Island, Tribal Group and Simonds Group, central coast of British Columbia, May, 1997, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2451E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1998. 27p.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2451E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2452. --Results of the chinook assessment study conducted on the Klinaklini River during 1997, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2452E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1998. 66p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2452E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2453. --Enumeration of the 1995 Harrison River Chinook salmon escapement, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2453E-PDF New Westminster, British Columbia, 1998. 41p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Science Branch, Pacific Region, New Westminster, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2453E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2455. --Number, biomass, and distribution of fish species in the littoral zone of the Upper St. Lawrence River – Quantitative electrofishing, Johnstown Bay, June to October 1995: for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2455E-PDF an assessment by type of habitat, Ottawa, 1998. 148p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2455E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2456. --A hydroacoustic survey of Pacific hake in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada, February 20 – March 5, 1996, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2456E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1998. 63p. Fig., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2456E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2457. --Results from a bottom trawl survey of rockfish stocks off the West Coast of the Queen Charlotte Islands, September 5 To 23, 1997, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2457E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1998. 96p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2457E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2458. --1997 industry sponsored shrimp surveys and resulting management actions area 12, April and November 1997, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2458E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1998. 102p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2458E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2459. --Relative abundance and migration timing of Chinook salmon, oncorhynchus tshawitscha, from the Fraser River, British Columbia, Albion test fishery, 1981-1995, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2459E-PDF St. John's, 1998. 32p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Science Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2459E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2460. --Incidental salmon catch monitoring in Juan de Fuca Strait and Johnstone Strait net fisheries, 1997, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2460E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1998. 37p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t. p. : Operations Branch, South Coast Division, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2460E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2461. --Sidump survey off the west coast of Vancouver Island and resulting management actions - May 1998, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2461E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1998. 116p. References, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2461E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2462. --Queen Charlotte Sound shrimp survey and resulting management actions July 1998, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2462E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1998. 55p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2462E-PDF
- Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. for Catalogue Number Fs97-4E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5387 Electronic.No. 2463. --Shrimp survey and resulting management actions area 12, June 1998, for Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2463E-PDF Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1998. 48p. Figs., references, tables.The ISSN (0706-6473) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some electronic issues.On t.p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The catalogue number and ISSN for the print edition appear in the PDF version.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2463E-PDF
Ressources naturelles Canada
Commission géologique du Canada
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C10. --Regional structural data from the Hay River area, Northwest Territories, with emphasis on the Pine Point mining camp, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C10E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 12p. Figs., maps (some coloured), photographs, references, table.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33532-5Catalogue Number M44-2003/C10E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C11. --Field procedures and results of groundwater sampling in kimberlite from drillholes in the Kirkland Lake and Lake Timiskaming areas, northeastern Ontario, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C11E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 11p. Graphs, maps, references.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33533-3Catalogue Number M44-2003/C11E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C12. --Tracking the Wakeham Group volcanic rocks and associated copper-iron oxide hydrothermal activity from La Romaine eastward, eastern Grenville Province, Quebec, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C12E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 13p. Coloured maps, photographs, references, table.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33534-1Catalogue Number M44-2003/C12E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C13. --Stratigraphy, structure, and petrology of a representative klippe of the Bravo Lake Formation, Piling Group, central Baffin Island, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C13E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 13p. Coloured map, figs. (some coloured), photographs, references.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33535-XCatalogue Number M44-2003/C13E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C14. --Teleseismic investigations of the lithosphere beneath central Baffin Island, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C14E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 10p. Coloured map, figs. (some coloured), references, tables.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33536-8Catalogue Number M44-2003/C14E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C15. --Deformation history and metamorphism of a synformal depression, Longstaff Bluff Formation metaturbidite, central Baffin Island, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C15E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 13p. Coloured maps, figs., photographs, references, table.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33537-6Catalogue Number M44-2003/C15E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C16. --Iron-formation-hosted gold occurrences in the Ellice Hills area, Committee Bay belt, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C16E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 13p. Coloured maps, figs. (some coloured), photographs, references.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33538-4Catalogue Number M44-2003/C16E-IN
- Recherches en cours 2003. pour Numéro de catalogue M44-2003F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. Abstract in English. Électronique.2003-C17. --Caractérisation structurale et métamorphique de la marge sud-est du Groupe de Wakeham, régions du lac Musquaro et de La Romaine, Province de Grenville, Québec. pour Numéro de catalogue M44-2003/C17F-IN Ottawa, c2003. 14p. Cartes en couleur, figures en couleur, photographies, références.Partage sa numérations avec : Current research 2003.Gratuit. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-88404-3Numéro de catalogue M44-2003/C17F-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C18. --EXTECH IV Athabasca uranium multidisciplinary study of northern Saskatchewan and Alberta, Part 1: for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C18E-IN overview and impact, Ottawa, c2003. 12p. Coloured maps, references, table.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33539-2Catalogue Number M44-2003/C18E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C19. --EXTECH IV Athabasca uranium multidisciplinary study of northern Saskatchewan and Alberta, Part 2: for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C19E-IN current results of subprojects 1 to 5, Ottawa, c2003. 10p. References.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33540-6Catalogue Number M44-2003/C19E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C20. --EXTECH IV Athabasca uranium multidisciplinary study of northern Saskatchewan and Alberta, Part 3: for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C20E-IN current results of subprojects 6, 6a, 7, 9, 10, and 11, Ottawa, c2003. 8p. References.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33541-4Catalogue Number M44-2003/C20E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C21. --Gold mineralization within the Red Lake mine trend: for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C21E-IN example from the Cochenour-Willans mine area, Red Lake, Ontario, with new key information from the Red Lake mine and potential analogy with the Timmins camp, Ottawa, c2003. 17p. Coloured maps, figs., photographs, references, table.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Gold mineralization within the Red Lake mine trend: M44-2003/C21E-IN - PDF. (4.80 MB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number M44-2003/C21E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C22. --Bedrock geology of the Ellice Hills map area and new constraints on the regional geology of the Committee Bay area, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C22E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 13p. Coloured figs., coloured maps, photographs, references.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33542-2Catalogue Number M44-2003/C22E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C23. --Structural geology of the northeastern Committee Bay belt, Ellice Hills area, central Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C23E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 15p. Coloured maps, figs., photographs, references.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33543-0Catalogue Number M44-2003/C23E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C24. --Central Baffin Electromagnetic Experiment (CBEX), phase 2, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C24E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 12p. Coloured figs., coloured maps, references.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33544-9Catalogue Number M44-2003/C24E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C25. --First look at data from a three-dimensional audio-magnetotelluric survey at the McArthur River mining camp, northern Saskatchewan, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C25E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 8p. Figs., map, references.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33545-7Catalogue Number M44-2003/C25E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C26. --Geology of the Archean Rae Craton and Mary River Group and the Paleoproterozoic Piling Group, central Baffin Island, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C26E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 14p. Coloured map, photographs, references.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33546-5Catalogue Number M44-2003/C26E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C27. --Structural evolution of the Woodburn Lake group in the area of the Meadowbank gold deposit, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C27E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 12p. Coloured maps, photographs, references.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-34190-2Catalogue Number M44-2003/C27E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C28. --Fluid evolution and pressure regimes in the Campbell-Red Lake gold deposit, Red Lake mine trend, Red Lake, Ontario: for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C28E-PDF fluid-inclusion evidence for a protracted, highly dynamic hydrothermal system, Ottawa, c2003. 18p. Fig., graphs, photographs, references, tables.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-35412-5Catalogue Number M44-2003/C28E-PDF
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C2. --Interpretations of Precambrian basement based on recent aeromagnetic data, Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C2E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 13p. Coloured maps, figs., references.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33522-8Catalogue Number M44-2003/C2E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C3. --Lead-isotope ratio measurements on hummock and hollow peat from the Detour Lake area, Ontario, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C3E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 14p. Figs., graphs, photographs, references, table.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33525-2Catalogue Number M44-2003/C3E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C4. --Ice-flow history and drift prospecting in the Committee Bay belt, central Nunavut: for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C4E-IN results from the Targeted Geoscience Initiative, Ottawa, c2003. 13p. Fig., maps, table.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33526-0Catalogue Number M44-2003/C4E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C5. --Quaternary glaciomarine environments west of Committee Bay, central mainland Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C5E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 14p. Maps, photographs, references, tables.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33527-9Catalogue Number M44-2003/C5E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C6. --Geology of the Doris North gold deposits, northern Hope Bay volcanic belt, Slave Structural Province, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C6E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 12p. Coloured maps, photographs, references.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33528-7Catalogue Number M44-2003/C6E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C7. --Volcanic stratigraphy, structural geology, and gold mineralization in the Wolverine-Doris corridor, northern Hope Bay volcanic belt, Nunavut, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C7E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 13p. Coloured figs., coloured maps, photographs, references.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33529-5Catalogue Number M44-2003/C7E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C8. --Interim results of the EXTECH-IV seismic-reflection program in the Athabasca Basin, northern Saskatchewan, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C8E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 13p. Figs. (some coloured), maps, photographs, references, tables.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33530-9Catalogue Number M44-2003/C8E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-C9. --Bedrock mapping in the Walmsley Lake area, southeastern Slave Province, Northwest Territories, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/C9E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 11p. Maps, photographs, references.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33531-7Catalogue Number M44-2003/C9E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-D1. --Major Quaternary sediment failures on the east Scotian Rise, eastern Canada, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/D1E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 9p. Coloured map, figs., references.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33801-4Catalogue Number M44-2003/D1E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-D2. --Preliminary report on the structural geology of the Clarence Stream-Moores Mills area, southwestern New Brunswick: for Catalogue Number M44-2003/D2E-IN implications for gold exploration, Ottawa, c2003. 12p. Coloured figs., coloured maps, photographs, references.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33802-2Catalogue Number M44-2003/D2E-IN
- Recherches en cours 2003. pour Numéro de catalogue M44-2003F-PDF Irrégulier. Ottawa. Abstract in English. Électronique.2003-D3. --Vulnérabilité à la nappe des aquifères fracturés du sud-ouest du Québec: pour Numéro de catalogue M44-2003/D3F-IN évaluation par les méthodes DRASTIC et GOD, Ottawa, c2003. 16p. Cartes en couleur, figures, références, tableaux.Partage sa numérations avec : Current research 2003.Gratuit. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-88653-4Numéro de catalogue M44-2003/D3F-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-F1. --Ages of several xenotime megacrysts by ID-TIMS: for Catalogue Number M44-2003/F1E-IN potential reference materials for ion-microprobe U-Pb geochronology, Ottawa, c2003. 9p. Graphs, photographs, references, table.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.URL: Electronic Publication for: --Ages of several xenotime megacrysts by ID-TIMS: M44-2003/F1E-IN - PDF. (1011 KB).Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-34043-4Catalogue Number M44-2003/F1E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-F2. --SHRIMP U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology of Athabasca Group sandstones, northern Saskatchewan and Alberta, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/F2E-PDF Ottawa, c2003. 22p. Coloured figs., coloured map, graphs, photographs, references, tables.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-35069-3Catalogue Number M44-2003/F2E-PDF
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-F3. --SHRIMP U-Pb ages of granitoid basement rocks of the southwestern part of the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan and Alberta, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/F3E-PDF Ottawa, c2003. 22p. Graphs, map, photographs, references, tables.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-34873-7Catalogue Number M44-2003/F3E-PDF
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-H1. --Aeromagnetic survey program of the Geological Survey of Canada, 2002-2003, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/H1E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 6p. Coloured map, tables.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33704-2Catalogue Number M44-2003/H1E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-H2. --A method to determine electrode polarization characteristics, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/H2E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 9p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33705-0Catalogue Number M44-2003/H2E-IN
- Current research 2003. for Catalogue Number M44-2003E-PDF Irregular. Ottawa. Résumés en français. Electronic.2003-H3. --New opportunities for Canadian earthquake monitoring, information, and research, for Catalogue Number M44-2003/H3E-IN Ottawa, c2003. 9p. Coloured maps, photographs, references, tables.Shares numbering with: Recherches en cours 2003.Free. (Internet).ISBN 0-662-33706-9Catalogue Number M44-2003/H3E-IN
Santé Canada
- Stratégie fédérale de lutte contre le tabagisme, 2001-2011: pour Numéro de catalogue H14-136/2012F-PDF évaluation horizontale - rapport final. Ottawa, Juin 2012. 105p. Électronique.Y compris la «Réponse de la direction et plan d'action».Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue H14-136/2012F-PDF
- Federal Tobacco Control Strategy, 2001-2011: for Catalogue Number H14-136/2012E-PDF horizontal evaluation - final report. Ottawa, June 2012. 92p. Electronic.Includes "Management response and action plan".URL: Electronic Publication for: Federal Tobacco Control Strategy, 2001-2011: H14-136/2012E-PDF - PDF. (522 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number H14-136/2012E-PDF
- Santé mentale et lutte contre les toxicomanies chez les Premières nations et les Inuits: pour Numéro de catalogue H14-137/2012F-PDF évaluation groupée, 2005/06 et 2009/10 - rapport final. Ottawa, Septembre 2012. 84p. Électronique.Titre en tête de chaque page: Santé mentale et lutte contre les toxicomanies chez les Premières Nations et les Inuits — évaluation du groupe.Y compris «Réponse et plan d'action de la direction 2012/13».Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue H14-137/2012F-PDF
- First Nations and Inuit mental health and addictions: for Catalogue Number H14-137/2012E-PDF cluster evaluation 2005/06-2009/10 - final report. Ottawa, September 2012. 74p. Electronic.Includes "Management response and Action plan 2012/2013".Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number H14-137/2012E-PDF
Publications de Statistique Canada
Statistique Canada
- Statistiques canadiennes sur le cancer. pour Numéro de catalogue CS2-37F-PDF Annuel. Toronto. ISSN 1494-5789 Électronique.2012. Mai 2012. 77p. Glossaire, graphiques, références, tableaux.L'ISSN (0835-2976) de l'édition imprimée anglaise a été incorrectement copié dans certaines éditions.URL: Publication électronique pour : Statistiques canadiennes sur le cancer, 2012, CS2-37/2012F-PDF - PDF. (1.15 Mo).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CS2-37/2012F-PDF
- Canadian cancer statistics. for Catalogue Number CS2-37E-PDF Annual. Toronto. ISSN 1494-5770 Electronic.2012. May 2012. 69p. Glossary, graphs, references, tables.The ISSN (0835-2976) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some issues.URL: Electronic Publication for: Canadian cancer statistics 2012. CS2-37/2012E-PDF - PDF. (574 KB).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number CS2-37/2012E-PDF
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