ARCHIVED - Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government Publications 13-04
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13-04 (January 25, 2013)
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Table of Contents
- Parliamentary Publications
- Departmental Publications
- Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Canada Industrial Relations Board
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- Canada Revenue Agency
- Canadian Heritage
- Elections Canada
- Environment Canada
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Health Canada
- Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
- Industry Canada
- Justice Canada
- National Defence
- National Energy Board
- National Joint Council of the Public Service of Canada
- Natural Resources Canada
- Office of the Auditor General of Canada
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
- Parks Canada
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- Public Safety Canada
- Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Queen's Printer
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Transport Canada
- Transportation Safety Board of Canada
- Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
- Statistics Canada Publications
Parliamentary Publications
- Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance. Irregular. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1498-5772 Electronic.41st Parliament, 1st session, 2011-12, issue no. 29 (Tuesday, November 20, 2012, Wednesday, November 21, 2012, Thursday, November 22, 2012). 158p.Numbering begins each session with issue no. 1.Fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh meetings on: Subject-matter of all of Bill C-45, A second Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 29, 2012 and other measures, introduced in the House of Commons on October 18, 2012.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.19 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number YC13-411/29-PDF
- Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance. Irregular. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1498-5772 Electronic.41st Parliament, 1st session, 2011-12, issue no. 30 (Tuesday, December 4, 2012, Wednesday, December 5, 2012, Tuesday, December 11, 2012, Wednesday, December 12, 2012 (in camera)). 129p.Numbering begins each session with issue no. 1.First (final) meeting on: Bill C-45, A second Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 29, 2012 and other measures. Second (final) meeting on: The study of the Supplementary Estimates (B) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013, with the exception of Parliament Vote 10b. Twentieth meeting on: The study on the potential reasons for price discrepancies in respect of certain goods between Canada and the United States, given the value of the Canadian dollar and the effect of cross border shopping on the Canada economy. Including: the fourteenth report of the committee(Supplementary Estimates (B) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013 with the exception of Parliament Vote 10b). The fifteenth report of the committee (Bill C-45).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1013 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number YC13-411/31-PDF
- Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. Irregular. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1494-037X Electronic.41st Parliament, 1st session, 2011-12, issue no. 28 (Wednesday, December 5, 2012, Thursday, December 6, 2012). 100p.Numbering begins each session with issue no. 1.First and second meetings on: Bill C-36, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (elder abuse) and
Third and fourth (final) meetings on: Bill S-12, An Act to amend the Statutory Instruments Act and to make consequential amendments to the Statutory Instruments Regulations.
Including: the seventeenth report of the committee
Bill S-12, An Act to amend the Statutory Instruments Act and to make consequential amendments to the Statutory Instruments Regulations.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (892 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number YC24-411/28-PDF - Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. Irregular. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1494-037X Electronic.41st Parliament, 1st session, 2011-12, issue no. 29 (Tuesday, December 11, 2012, Wednesday, December 12, 2012, Thursday, December 13, 2012). 174p.Numbering begins each session with issue no. 1.Third (final) meeting on: Bill C-36, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (elder abuse) and Fourth and fifth (final) meetings on: Bill C-293, An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (vexatious complainants).
Including: the eighteenth report of the committee
Bill C-36, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (elder abuse). The nineteenth report of the committee Bill C-293, An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (vexatious complainants). The twentieth report of the committee Special study on the provisions and operation of the Act to amend the Criminal Code (production of records in sexual offence proceedings), S.C. 1997, c. 30.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (3.57 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number YC24-411/29-PDF - Proceedings of the Standing Committee on Rules, Procedures and the Rights of Parliament. Irregular. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1702-2479 Electronic.41st Parliament, 1st session, issue no. 3 (Tuesday, October 2, 2012 (in camera), Tuesday, October 23, 2012 (in camera), Tuesday, November 6, 2012 (in camera), Tuesday, November 20, 2012 (in camera), Tuesday, December 11, 2012 (in camera)). 8p.Numbering begins each session with issue no. 1.Fourth and fifth meetings on: Consideration of a draft agenda (future business) and Ninth, tenth and eleventh meetings on: Consideration of draft reports. Including: the third report of the committee (Amendments to the Rules). The fourth report of the committee (Amendments to the Rules).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (391 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number YC29-411/3-PDF
- Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights. Irregular. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1700-1323 Electronic.41st Parliament, 1st session, 2011-12, issue no. 19 (Monday, November 19, 2012). 90p.Numbering begins each session with issue no. 1.Third and fourth meetings on: Issues pertaining to the human rights of First Nations band members who reside off-reserve, with an emphasis on the current federal policy framework.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (875 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number YC32-411/19-PDF
- Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights. Irregular. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1700-1323 Electronic.41st Parliament, 1st session, 2011-12, issue no. 22 (Friday, November 23, 2012). 64p.Numbering begins each session with issue no. 1.Seventh meeting on: Issues pertaining to the human rights of First Nations band members who reside off-reserve, with an emphasis on the current federal policy framework.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (708 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number YC32-411/22-PDF
House of Commons
- Vol. 146, no. 143 (Part A), Tuesday, June 19, 2012, 1st Session, 41st Parliament. 142p.Original published on: 2012/06/20; published on: 2013/01/22.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (971 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number X3-411/143AE-PDF
- Vol. 146, n° 143 (Partie A), le mardi 19 juin 2012, 1re session, 41e législature. 142p.Date originale de publication: 2012/06/20; date de publication: 2013/01/22.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.05 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue X3-411/143AF-PDF
- Vol. 146, no. 184, Friday, November 23, 2012, 1st session, 41st Parliament. 94p.Original published on: 2012/11/23; published on: 2013/01/16.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (480 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number X3-411/184E-PDF
- Vol. 146, n° 184, le vendredi 23 novembre 2012, 1re session, 41e législature. 94p.Date originale de publication: 2012/11/23;
date de publication: 2013/01/16.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (512 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue X3-411/184F-PDF - Vol. 146, no. 185, Monday, November 26, 2012, 1st session, 41st Parliament. 82p.Original published on: 2012/11/27; Published on: 2012/11/28; Published On: 2013/01/17.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (563 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number X3-411/185E-PDF
- Vol. 146, n° 185, le lundi 26 novembre 2012, 1re session, 41e législature. 82p.Date originale de publication : 2012/11/27; Date de publication : 2012/11/28; Date de publication: 2013/01/17.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (618 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue X3-411/185F-PDF
- Vol. 146, no. 186, Tuesday, November 27, 2012, 1st session, 41st Parliament. 80p.Original published on: 2012/11/28; published on: 2013/01/17.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (556 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number X3-411/186E-PDF
- Vol. 146, n° 186, le mardi 27 novembre 2012, 1re session, 41e législature. 80p.Date originale de publication: 2012/11/28; date de publication: 2013/01/17.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (611 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue X3-411/186F-PDF
- Vol. 146, no. 188, Thursday, November 29, 2012, 1st session, 41st Parliament. 94p.Original published on: 2012/11/30; published on: 2013/01/21.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (600 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number X3-411/188E-PDF
- Vol. 146, n° 188, le jeudi 29 novembre 2012, 1re session, 41e législature. 94p.Date originale de publication: 2012/11/30; date de publication: 2013/01/21.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (690 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue X3-411/188F-PDF
- Vol. 146, no. 189, Friday, November 30, 2012, 1st session, 41st Parliament. 96p.Original published on: 2012/11/30; published on: 2013/01/21.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (447 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number X3-411/189E-PDF
- Vol. 146, n° 189, le vendredi 30 novembre 2012, 1re session, 41e législature. 96p.Date originale de publication: 2012/11/30; date de publication: 2013/01/21.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (505 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue X3-411/189F-PDF
- Vol. 146, n° 190, le lundi 3 décembre 2012, 1re session, 41e législature. 70p.Date originale de publication: 2012/12/04; date de publication: 2013/01/23.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (515 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue X3-411/190F-PDF
- Vol. 146, no. 191, Tuesday, December 4, 2012, 1st session, 41st Parliament. 104p.Original published on: 2012/12/05; published on: 2013/01/23.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (521 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number X3-411/191E-PDF
- Vol. 146, n° 191, le mardi 4 décembre 2012, 1re session, 41e législature. 104p.Date originale de publication: 2012/12/05; date de publication: 2013/01/23.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (568 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue X3-411/191F-PDF
- Vol. 146, no. 192, Wednesday, December 5, 2012, 1st session, 41st Parliament. 52p.Original published on: 2012/12/06; published on: 2013/01/22.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (354 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number X3-411/192E-PDF
- Vol. 146, n° 192, le mercredi 5 décembre 2012, 1re session, 41e législature. 52p.Date originale de publication: 2012/12/06; date de publication: 2013/01/22.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (388 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue X3-411/192F-PDF
- Vol. 146, no. 193, Thursday, December 6, 2012, 1st session, 41st Parliament. 78p.Original published on: 2012/12/07; published on: 2013/01/23.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (517 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number X3-411/193E-PDF
- Vol. 146, n° 193, le jeudi 6 décembre 2012, 1re session, 41e législature. 78p.Date originale de publication: 2012/12/07; date de publication: 2013/01/23.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (573 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue X3-411/193F-PDF
- Vol. 146, n° 194, le vendredi 7 décembre 2012, 1re session, 41e législature. 88p.Date originale de publication: 2012/12/07; date de publication: 2013/01/23.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (452 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue X3-411/194F-PDF
- Second Report, 1st session, 41st Parliament. --After the roadmap: toward better programs and service delivery, Ottawa, November 2012. 182p. References.Original published on: 2012/11/08; published on: 2012/11/23; published on: 2013/01/22.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (789 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XC60-1/1-411-02E-PDF
- Deuxième rapport, 41e législature, 1re session. --Après la feuille de route: cap vers une amélioration des programmes et de la prestation des services, Ottawa, Novembre 2012. 193p. Références.Date originale de publication : 2012/11/08; date de publication : 2012/11/23; date de publication : 2013/01/22.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (804 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue XC60-1/1-411-02F-PDF
- Report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities. Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.9th report, 41st Parliament, 1st session. --Labour and skills shortages in Canada: addressing current and future challenges, Ottawa, December 2012. 119p. References, tables.Original published on: 2012/12/12; published on: 2013/01/17.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.17 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XC67-1/1-411-09E-PDF
- Rapport du Comité permanent des ressources humaines, du développement des compétences, du développement social et de la condition des personnes handicapées. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.9e rapport, 41e législature, 1re session. --Pénuries de main-d'oeuvre et de compétences au Canada: solutions aux défis actuels et futurs, Ottawa, Décembre 2012. 126p. Références, tableaux.Date originale de publication: 2012/12/12;
Date de publication: 2013/01/17.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.30 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue XC67-1/1-411-09F-PDF
Departmental Publications
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
- 2012-2013. [6]p. Coloured map, tables. (QS-N054-030-A1)Free.Catalogue Number R2-437/2012E
- Stained glass window in Parliament commemorating the legacy of Indian residential schools. Ottawa, c2012. 4p. Coloured illus. (QS-1012-000-EE-A1) Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.37 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21555-6Catalogue Number R3-172/2012E-PDF
- Vitrail au Parlement commémorant les séquelles des pensionnats indiens. Ottawa, c2012. 4p. Ill. en couleur. (QS-1012-000-FF-A1) Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.41 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 9780662712060Numéro de catalogue R3-172/2012F-PDF
- Developing a First Nation education act: discussion guide. Gatineau, Quebec, c2012. 13p. Photographs. (QS-2027-000-EE-A1) Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.99 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21554-9Catalogue Number R3-175/2012E-PDF
- Rédaction d'une loi sur l'éducation des Premières Nations: guide de discussion. Gatineau (Québec), c2012. 14p. Photographies. (QS-2027-000-FF-A1) Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.90 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 9780662711827Numéro de catalogue R3-175/2012F-PDF
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Pest Management Centre
- The pest management newsletter: news from the AAFC Pest Management Centre. Three times a year. Ottawa. ISSN 1925-4784 Electronic.Vol. 3, No. 2, Winter 2013. 15p. Photographs, tables. (AAFC No. 11949(E))The ISSN (1916-3851) of the print edition has been incorrectly copied in some of the early issues of the PDF edition.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (609 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number A27-30/3-2E-PDF
- Bulletin sur la lutte antiparasitaire: nouvelles du Centre pour la lutte antiparasitaire d'AAC. Trois fois par année. Ottawa. ISSN 1925-4792 Électronique.Vol. 3, n° 2, hiver 2013. 17p. Photographies, références, tableaux.Les ISSNs (1916-3851, 1916-386X) des éditions imprimés ont été incorrectement copiés dans certains numéros antérieurs.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (624 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue A27-30/3-2F-PDF
Canada Industrial Relations Board
- Reasons for decision. Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.Neutral Citation: 2012 CIRB 665, November 28, 2012. --Syndicat des employé(e)s de TVA, Local 687, CUPE, applicant, and TVA Group Inc., employer. Ottawa. 31p. (Board File: 28750-C)Continues in part: LR12-2-PDF.
Some decisions issued after April 17, 2008 are bilingual and can be found with Master Record LR12-2-PDF.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (286 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number LR12-2/2012-665E-PDF - Motifs de décision. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.Référence neutre : 2012 CCRI 665, le 28 novembre 2012. --Syndicat des employé(e)s de TVA, section locale 687, SCFP, requérant, et Groupe TVA inc., employeur. Ottawa. 33p. (Dossier du Conseil : 28750-C)Fait suite en partie à: LR12-2-PDF.
Certain décisions publiées après le 17 avril 2008 sont bilingues, disponibles avec l'enregistrement principal LR12-2-PDF.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (298 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue LR12-2/2012-665F-PDF
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- Housing market tables - selected South Central Ontario Centres. Monthly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.[December 2012]. Date released: January 2013. 62p. Tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1936 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number NH12-241/2012-12-PDF
Canada Revenue Agency
- GI-132, December 2012. 6p.Title of this issue: Elimination of the HST in British Columbia: builder information requirements for the transition period.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (287 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Rv12-5/132-2012E-PDF
- GI-132, décembre 2012. 7p.Titre de ce numéro: Élimination de la TVH en Colombie-Britannique : exigences en matière de renseignements visant les constructeurs au cours de la période de transition.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (296 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Rv12-5/132-2012F-PDF
Canadian Heritage
- Canadian books, film, periodicals and music opinion survey: executive summary, Gatineau, Quebec, September 4, 2012. 12p. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (537 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21383-5Catalogue Number CH44-147/1-2012E-PDF
- Sondage d'opinion sur les livres, les longs métrages, les périodiques canadiens et les oeuvres musicales: sommaire exécutif, Gatineau (Québec), 4 septembre 2012. 12p. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (547 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99886-2Numéro de catalogue CH44-147/1-2012F-PDF
Canadian Conservation Institute
- Canadian Conservation Institute - annual review. Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1927-3932 Electronic.2011-2012. 32p. Coloured figs., photographs, tables.Continues: Annual report - Canadian Conservation Institute (Online), 1998-2005. ISSN 1481-8647.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (10.50 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number CH57-1/2012E-PDF
- Institut canadien de conservation - revue annuelle. Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1927-3940 Électronique.2011-2012. 32p. Figures en couleur, photographies, tableaux.Fait suite à: Rapport annuel - Institut canadien de conservation (En ligne), 1998-2005. ISSN 1481-8655.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (9.15 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CH57-1/2012F-PDF
Elections Canada
- Report of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, 2012. Ottawa, [2012]. 31p. Maps, tables. (EC 90072-R (11/2012)) Electronic.The catalogue number (SE3-23/10-2012E) and ISBN (978-1-100-21494-8) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.55 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number SE3-23/10-2012E-PDF
- Rapport de la Commission de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales pour la province de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, 2012. Ottawa, [2012]. 31p. Cartes, tableaux. (EC 90072-R-1 (11/2012)) Électronique.Le n° de catalogue (SE3-23/10-2012F) et l'ISBN (978-1-100-99987-6) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans la version PDF.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.59 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SE3-23/10-2012F-PDF
- Report of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for the province of Nova Scotia 2012. Ottawa, 2012. 29p. Maps, tables. 28cm. (EC 90073-R (12/2012)) Electronic.The catalogue number (SE3-23/3-2012E) and ISBN (978-1-100-21509-9) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.90 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number SE3-23/3-2012E-PDF
- Rapport de la Commission de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales pour la province de la Nouvelle-Écosse 2012. Ottawa, [2012]. 29p. Cartes, tableaux. (EC 90073-R-1 (12/2012)) Électronique.Le n° de catalogue (SE3-23/3-2012F) et l'ISBN (978-0-622-70041-8) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans la version PDF.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.89 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SE3-23/3-2012F-PDF
- Report of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for the province of Manitoba, 2012. Ottawa, [2012]. 27p. Maps, tables. (EC 90077-R (12/2012)) Electronic.The catalogue number (SE3-23/5-2012E) and ISBN (978-1-100-21518-1) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (3.30 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number SE3-23/5-2012E-PDF
- Rapport de la Commission de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales pour la province du Manitoba, 2012. Ottawa, [2012]. 27p. Cartes, tableaux. (EC 90077-R-1 (12/2012)) Électronique.Le n° de catalogue (SE3-25/5-2012F) et l'ISBN (978-0-662-70182-8) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans la version PDF.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (3.87 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SE3-23/5-2012F-PDF
- Report of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for the province of Prince Edward Island, 2012. Ottawa, [2012]. 15p. Maps, tables. (EC 90071-R (12/2012)) Electronic.The catalogue number (SE3-23/7-2012E) and ISBN (978-1-100-21512-9) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.43 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number SE3-23/7-2012E-PDF
- Rapport de la Commission de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales pour la province de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard, 2012. Ottawa, [2012]. 15p. Cartes, tableaux. (EC 90071-R-1 (12/2012)) Électronique.Le n° de catalogue (SE3-23/7-2012F) et l'ISBN (978-0-662-70146-0) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans la version PDF.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.44 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SE3-23/7-2012F-PDF
- Report of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for the province of Alberta, 2012. Ottawa, [2012]. 55p. Maps, tables. (EC 90079-R (12/2012)) Electronic.The catalogue number (SE3-23/9-2012E) and ISBN (978-1-100-21520-4) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (5.93 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number SE3-23/9-2012E-PDF
- Rapport de la Commission de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales pour la province de l'Alberta, 2012. Ottawa, [2012]. 55p. Cartes, tableaux. (EC 90079-R-1 (12/2012)) Électronique.Le n° de catalogue (SE3-23/9-2012F) et l'ISBN (978-0-662-70310-5) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans la version PDF.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (5.95 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SE3-23/9-2012F-PDF
Environment Canada
- EcoAction Community Funding Program: helping communities create a healthy environment. Ottawa, 2012. 1p. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (308 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21325-5Catalogue Number En14-27/2012E-PDF
- Programme de financement communautaire ÉcoAction: aider les collectivités à créer un environnement sain. Ottawa, 2012. 1p. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (302 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99829-9Numéro de catalogue En14-27/2012F-PDF
- Plan d'aménagement panlacustre du lac Érié, rapport annuel. Annuel. Burlington (Ontario). Électronique.2012. 4p. Figure, photographies.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (334 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue En161-7/2012F-PDF
- Plan d'aménagement panlacustre du lac Supérieur, rapport annuel. Annuel. Burlington (Ontario). Électronique.2012. 4p. Cartes, photographies.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (390 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue En161-9/2012F-PDF
- --Amended recovery strategy for the Tiny Cryptantha (Cryptantha minima) in Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 49p. Maps (some coloured), photographs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.16 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-17435-8Catalogue Number En3-4/10-2012E-PDF
- Loi sur les espèces en péril, série de programmes de rétablissement. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.--Programme de rétablissement modifié de la cryptanthe minuscule (Cryptantha minima) au Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 52p. Cartes (certaines en couleur), photographies, références, tableaux.Titre additionnel (dans la publication): Série de Programmes de rétablissement de la Loi sur les espèces en péril.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.48 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-96210-8Numéro de catalogue En3-4/10-2012F-PDF
- --Recovery strategy for the Ord's Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys ordii) in Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 36p. Maps (some coloured), references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (940 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-18876-8Catalogue Number En3-4/108-2012E-PDF
- Loi sur les espèces en péril, série de programmes de rétablissement. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.--Programme de rétablissement du rat kangourou d'Ord (Dipodomys ordii) au Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 42p. Cartes (certaines en couleur), références, tableaux.Titre additionnel (dans la publication): Série de Programmes de rétablissement de la Loi sur les espèces en péril.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (752 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-97574-0Numéro de catalogue En3-4/108-2012F-PDF
- --Recovery strategy for the Maritime Ringlet (Coenonympha nipisiquit) in Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 33p. Map, photographs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.96 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-18995-6Catalogue Number En3-4/113-2012E-PDF
- Loi sur les espèces en péril, série de programmes de rétablissement. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.--Programme de rétablissement du satyre fauve des Maritimes (Coenonympha nipisiquit) au Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 35p. Carte, photographies, références, tableaux.Titre additionnel (dans la publication): Série de Programmes de rétablissement de la Loi sur les espèces en péril.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.88 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-97691-4Numéro de catalogue En3-4/113-2012F-PDF
- --Amended recovery strategy for the Sprague's Pipit (Anthus spragueii) in Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 56p. Coloured maps, figs., graph, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.27 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-18877-5Catalogue Number En3-4/55-2012E-PDF
- Loi sur les espèces en péril, série de programmes de rétablissement. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.--Programme de rétablissement modifié du Pipit de Sprague (Anthus spragueii) au Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 64p. Cartes en couleur, figures, graphique, références, tableaux.Titre additionnel (dans la publication): Série de Programmes de rétablissement de la Loi sur les espèces en péril.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (837 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-97575-7Numéro de catalogue En3-4/55-2012F-PDF
- --Recovery strategy for the Slender Mouse-ear-cress (Halimolobos virgata) in Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 54p. Fig., maps (some coloured), photographs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.08 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-17436-5Catalogue Number En3-4/92-2012E-PDF
- Loi sur les espèces en péril, série de programmes de rétablissement. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.--Programme de rétablissement de l'halimolobos mince (Halimolobos virgata) au Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 56p. Cartes (certaines en couleur), figure, photographies, références, tableaux.Titre additionnel (dans la publication): Série de Programmes de rétablissement de la Loi sur les espèces en péril.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.58 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-96211-5Numéro de catalogue En3-4/92-2012F-PDF
- --Recovery strategy for the Small-flowered Sand-verbena (Tripterocalyx micranthus) in Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 56p. Fig., maps (some coloured), photographs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.71 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-17437-2Catalogue Number En3-4/93-2012E-PDF
- Loi sur les espèces en péril, série de programmes de rétablissement. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.--Programme de rétablissement de l’abronie à petites fleurs (Tripterocalyx micranthus) au Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 59p. Cartes (certaines en couleur), photographies, références, tableaux.Titre additionnel (dans la publication): Série de Programmes de rétablissement de la Loi sur les espèces en péril.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.03 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-96212-2Numéro de catalogue En3-4/93-2012F-PDF
Canadian Wildlife Service
- --Blue Whale, Balaenoptera musculus (Atlantic population). Ottawa, c2012. 12p. Bibliography, tables.COSEWIC status appraisal summary on the Blue Whale, Balaenoptera musculus, Atlantic population in Canada."Endangered 2012".URL: Adobe Acrobat. (157 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-20728-5Catalogue Number CW69-14/2-23-2012E-PDF
- --Rorqual bleu, Balaenoptera musculus (population de l'Atlantique). Ottawa, c2012. 12p. Bibliographie, tableaux.Sommaire du statut de l’espèce du COSEPAC sur le Rorqual bleu, Balaenoptera musculus, population de l'Atlantique au Canada.« En voie de disparition 2012 ».URL: Adobe Acrobat. (173 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99271-6Numéro de catalogue CW69-14/2-23-2012F-PDF
- --Incurved Grizzled Moss (Ptychomitrium incurvum). Ottawa, c2012. 12p. Bibliography, tables.COSEWIC status appraisal summary on the Incurved Grizzled Moss, Ptychomitrium incurvum in Canada."Extirpated 2012".URL: Adobe Acrobat. (135 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-20729-2Catalogue Number CW69-14/2-24-2012E-PDF
- --Ptychomitre à feuilles incurvées, Ptychomitrium incurvum. Ottawa, c2012. 12p. Bibliographie, tableaux.Sommaire du statut de l'espèce du COSEPAC sur la Ptychomitre à feuilles incurvées, Ptychomitrium incurvum au Canada.« Disparue du pays 2012 ».URL: Adobe Acrobat. (180 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99272-3Numéro de catalogue CW69-14/2-24-2012F-PDF
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/021, Maritimes Region. --Update status report on Bay of Fundy striped bass (Morone saxatilis), Ottawa. 50p. Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1844 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-021E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/022, Maritimes Region. --Assessment of lobster off the coast of eastern Cape Breton and the eastern and south shores of Nova Scotia (LFAs 27-33), Ottawa. 118p. Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (3355 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-022E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/023, Quebec Region. --Physical oceanographic conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2011, Ottawa. 88p. Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (13340 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-023E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/025, Maritimes Region. --Limit reference point for southwest Nova Scotia / Bay of Fundy spawning component of Atlantic herring, (Clupea harengus) (German Bank and Scots Bay), Ottawa. 17p. Graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (162 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-025E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/026, Maritimes Region. --Reference points for cusk (Brosme brosme) in NAFO Divisions 4VWX5Z under the precautionary approach framework, Ottawa. 13p. Figs., graphs, maps, references, table.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (645 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-026E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/027, Maritimes Region. --Biomass reference points for eastern component pollock (4VW+4Xmn), Ottawa. 13p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (988 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-027E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/028, Maritimes Region. --Development of reference points for inshore lobster in the Maritimes Region (LFAs 27-38), Ottawa. 22p. Graphs, map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (158 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-028E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/029, Maritimes Region. --Canadian biomass reference points for eastern Georges Bank (5Zjm) haddock, Ottawa. 9p. Graphs, references.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (81 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-029E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/030, Maritimes Region. --Investigating reference points for American plaice on the Scotian Shelf (4VWX), Ottawa. 15p. Graphs, map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (220 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-030E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/031, National Capital Region. --The extent and diversity of the harvest fishery bycatch in Canadian commercial fisheries and the possible rational utilization for aquaculture feed production, Ottawa. 47p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (503 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-031E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/032, Gulf Region. --Thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata) in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence: life history, and trends from 1971 to 2010 in abundance, distribution and potential threats, Ottawa. 45p. Figs., graphs, map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1568 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-032E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/033, Gulf Region. --Smooth skate (Malacoraja senta) in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence: life history, and trends from 1971-2010 in abundance, distribution and potential threats, Ottawa. 37p. Figs., graphs, map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (990 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-033E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/034, Gulf Region. --Revised population model for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Ottawa. 42p. Figs., graphs, references.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (353 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-034E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/035, Gulf Region. --Trends in the abundance and size-composition of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) in the September multi-species bottom trawl survey of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1980-2011, Ottawa. 12p. Figs., graphs, map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (796 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-035E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/036, Newfoundland and Labrador Region. --Bayesian surplus production modelling for American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides), Ottawa. 146p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1837 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-036E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/037, Central & Arctic Region. --Results of narwhal (Monodon monoceros) aerial surveys in northern Hudson Bay, August 2011, Ottawa. 26p. Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (672 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-037E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/038, Newfoundland and Labrador Region. --A pre-COSEWIC assessment of White Hake (Urophycis tenuis) in Newfoundland and Labrador waters, Ottawa. 60p. Figs., graphs, map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (4538 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-038E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/040, Pacific Region. --Habitat utilization by northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean and Canada, Ottawa. 29p. Figs., graphs, maps, references, table.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2423 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-040E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/041, Pacific Region. --Population viability analysis for northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) in Canada, Ottawa. 40p. Figs., graphs, map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (508 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-041E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/042, Maritime Region. --Scallop Fishing Area 29 - stock status and update for 2012, Ottawa. 67p. Figs., graphs, map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1800 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-042E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/044, Newfoundland and Labrador Region. --An assessment of the physical oceanographic environment on the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelf during 2011, Ottawa. 36p. Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (5256 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-044E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/045, Newfoundland and Labrador Region. --An assessment of Newfoundland and Labrador snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) in 2010, Ottawa. 181p. Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (10082 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-045E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/046, Central and Arctic Region. --Satellite tracking of narwhals (Monodon monoceros) from Admiralty Inlet (2009) and Eclipse Sound (2010-2011), Ottawa. 20p. Maps, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (937 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-046E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/047, Maritimes Region. --An evaluation of reference points and risk of the Scotian Shelf and southern Grand Banks Atlantic halibut stock, Ottawa. 15p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (208 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-047E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/048, Maritimes Region. --Temperature-corrected abundance index of sub-legal lobsters in LFA 33 – 1999-2000 to 2008-2009, Ottawa. 19p. Graphs, references, table.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (337 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-048E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/049, Maritimes Region. --Observer coverage of the Atlantic Canadian swordfish and other tuna longline fishery: an assessment of current practices and alternative methods, Ottawa. 87p. Figs., graphs, map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (789 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-049E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/050, Maritimes Region. --Assessment of the Arctic surfclam (Mactromeris polynyma) stock on Banquereau in 2010, Ottawa. 62p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (3165 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-050E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/052, Gulf Region. --Recovery Potential Assessment for the Laurentian South designatable unit of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua): the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod stock (NAFO Div. 4T-4Vn(Nov-Apr)), Ottawa. 54p. Figs., graphs, map, references.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1781 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-052E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/053, Gulf Region. --The status of NAFO Division 4T winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus), February 2012, Ottawa. 63p. Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1185 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-053E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/054, Gulf Region. --Hydrological conditions for Atlantic salmon rivers in 2011, Ottawa. 22p. Graphs, map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (148 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-054E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/055, Maritimes Region. --Meteorological, sea ice and physical oceanographic conditions on the Scotian Shelf and in the Gulf of Maine during 2011, Ottawa. 46p. Figs., graphs, map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (4800 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-055E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/056, Quebec Region. --Updated life history parameters for northern Gulf of St. Lawrence (3Pn, 4RS) cod (Gadus morhua) and their impact on reproductive potential and projections of population growth, Ottawa. 23p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (141 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-056E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/057, Central and Arctic Region. --Using stable isotope analysis as a tool for narwhal (Monodon monoceros) stock delineation, Ottawa. 33p. Figs., map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (444 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-057E-PDF
- Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique, document de recherche. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Texte en français, résumé en deux langues. Électronique.2012/058, Région du Québec. --Évaluation des stocks de buccin des eaux côtières du Québec, Ottawa. 117p. Cartes, figures, graphiques, photographies, références, tableaux.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2728 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fs70-5/2012-058F-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/059, Maritimes Region. --Recent studies of lobster, (Homarus americanus), size at onset of sexual maturity in Nova Scotia 2008-2011: Canso, Tangier, Port Mouton and Lobster Bay - a progress report, Ottawa. 33p. Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (935 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-059E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/060, Maritimes Region. --Multi-species interactions - effects of multi-species harvesting on single species harvest rates in NAFO Division 4X, Ottawa. 30p. Figs., graphs, map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (698 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-060E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/061, Maritimes Region. --Recommendations for science, management, and an ecosystem approach in Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Maritimes Region, Ottawa. 53p. References, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (262 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-061E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/064, Pacific Region. --Evaluation of Fraser River Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) spawning distribution following COSEWIC and IUCN Redlist guidelines, Ottawa. 108p. Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (42435 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-064E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/065, Pacific Region. --Information in support of the identification of critical habitat for speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus), Ottawa. 33p. Graph, map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (322 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-065E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/066, Gulf Region. --Pre-COSEWIC review of variation in the abundance, distribution and productivity of white hake (Urophycis tenuis) in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1971-2010, Ottawa. 77p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (3242 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-066E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. ISSN 1919-5044 Electronic.2012/067, Gulf Region. --Preliminary results from the September 2010 and 2011 bottom-trawl survey of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Ottawa. 72p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2612 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-067-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. ISSN 1919-5044 Electronic.2012/068, Gulf Region. --Results from the 2011 sentinel bottom-trawl survey in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence and comparisons with previous 2003 to 2010 surveys, Ottawa. 59p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2274 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-068-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/071, Maritimes Region. --Optical, chemical, and biological oceanographic conditions in the Maritimes Region in 2011, Ottawa. 61p. Figs., graphs, map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (10108 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-071E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/072, Pacific Region. --State of physical, biological, and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian marine ecosystems in 2011, Ottawa. 152p. Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (9560 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-072E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/074, Central and Arctic, and Quebec regions. --Beluga whales in James Bay: a separate entity from eastern Hudson Bay belugas? Ottawa. 26p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (424 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-074E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/075, Newfoundland and Labrador Region. --Impact of stock-recruit and natural mortality process errors on MSY reference points, Ottawa. 22p. Graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (299 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-075E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/076, Central and Arctic Region. --Information in support of a Recovery Potential Assessment of Northern Madtom (Noturus stigmosus) in Canada, Ottawa. 25p. Illus., map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (499 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-076E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/077, Maritimes Region. --Within- and among-population genetic variation in the Southern Upland Designatable Unit of Maritime Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.), Ottawa. 21p. Figs., references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (391 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-077E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/079, Maritimes Region. --Age determination without tears: statistical estimation of Silver Hake (Merluccius bilinearis) age composition on the basis of otolith weight and fish length, Ottawa. 21p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (293 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-079E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. ISSN 1919-5044 Electronic.2012/080, Gulf Region. --The 2011 assessment of the snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) stock in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Areas 12, 19, 12E and 12F), Ottawa. 78p. Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1818 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-080-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. ISSN 1919-5044 Electronic.2012/086, Gulf Region. --Review of the 2011 snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishery performance in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Areas 12, 19, 12E and 12F), Ottawa. 49p. Figs., graphs, illus., maps, photographs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2538 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-086-PDF
Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- 2012/22. --Commerce: Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Amman, 28 June 2009, entry into force 1 October 2012. Ottawa, c2013. English text in various pagings. 25cm. Softcover.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-54442-7Catalogue Number FR4-2012/22
- 2012/23. --Environment: Agreement on the Environment between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Amman, 28 June 2009, entry into force 1 October 2012. Ottawa, c2013. English text, 21p. 25cm. Softcover.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-54443-4Catalogue Number FR4-2012/23
- 2012/24. --Labour: Agreement on labour cooperation between Canada and Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Amman, 28 June 2009, entry into force 1 October 2012. Ottawa, c2013. English text, 29p. 25cm. Softcover.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-54444-1Catalogue Number FR4-2012/24
- Invest in Canada, an overview. Annual. Ottawa. 22cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1928-64222012 edition. English text, 18p. Photographs.Variant title: Invest in Canada, summary report.Text in English only, [2007/2008]-2009/2010; text in English and French on inverted pages, 2011-.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-54189-1Catalogue Number FR5-24/1-2012
- Invest in Canada, an overview. Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1928-7585 Electronic.2012 edition. 20p. Photographs.Variant title: Invest in Canada, summary report.Issue for 2011 has subtitle: Summary report.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1034 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-20175-7Catalogue Number FR5-24/1-2012E-PDF
- Investir au Canada, un aperçu. Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1928-7593 Électronique.Édition 2012. 20p. Photographies.Titre de renvoi: Investir au Canada, rapport sommaire.Le livre de 2011 comportent le sous-titre: Rapport sommaire.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (991 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-98766-8Numéro de catalogue FR5-24/1-2012F-PDF
- Invest in Canada - aerospace 2012: aerospace - Canada’s competitive advantages. Ottawa, 2012. 11p. Graphs, map, tables. 28cm. Softcover.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-20864-0Catalogue Number FR5-38/1-2012E
- Investir au Canada - aérospatiale 2012: aérospatiale - avantages concurrentiels du Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 11p. Carte, graphiques, tableaux. 28cm. Couverture souple.Gratuit.ISBN 978-1-100-99403-1Numéro de catalogue FR5-38/1-2012F
- Invest in Canada - wireless communications 2012: wireless communications - Canada’s competitive advantages. Ottawa, 2012. 11p. Graphs, map. 28cm. Softcover.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-20870-1Catalogue Number FR5-38/13-2012E
- Investir au Canada - communications sans fil 2012: communications sans fil - avantages concurrentiels du Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 11p. Carte, graphiques. 28cm. Couverture souple.Le n° de catalogue (FR5-38/8-2012F) et ISBN (978-1-100-99405-5) imprimés dans cette publication sont incorrects.Gratuit.ISBN 978-1-100-99409-3Numéro de catalogue FR5-38/13-2012F
- Invest in Canada 2012: bio-products - Canada’s competitive advantages. Ottawa, [2012]. 11p. Graphs. 28cm. Softcover.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-20485-7Catalogue Number FR5-38/17-2012E
- Investir au Canada 2012: bioproduits - avantages concurrentiels du Canada. Ottawa, [2012]. 11p. Graphiques. 28cm. Couverture souple.Gratuit.ISBN 978-1-100-99030-9Numéro de catalogue FR5-38/17-2012F
- Invest in Canada 2012 - renewable energy: wind and solar - Canada’s competitive advantages. Ottawa, 2012. 11p. Graphs, map. 28cm. Softcover.Incorrect catalogue number (FR5-38/17-2012E) and ISBN (978-1-100-20485-7) printed in this publication.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-20487-1Catalogue Number FR5-38/18-2012E
- Investir au Canada 2012 - énergies renouvelables: l’énergie éolienne et l’énergie solaire - avantages concurrentiels du Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 11p. Carte, graphiques. 28cm. Couverture souple.Le n° de catalogue (FR5-38/17-2012F) imprimé dans cette publication est incorrect.Gratuit.ISBN 978-1-100-99032-3Numéro de catalogue FR5-38/18-2012F
- Invest in Canada 2012 - functional foods and natural health products: Canada's competitive advantages. Ottawa, 2012. 11p. Graphs, map, tables. 28cm. Softcover.Incorrect catalogue number (FR5-38/17-2012E) printed in this publication.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-20489-5Catalogue Number FR5-38/19-2012E
- Investir au Canada 2012 - aliments fonctionnels et produits de santé naturels: avantages concurrentiels du Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 11p. Carte, graphiques, tableaux. 28cm. Couverture souple.Le n° de catalogue (FR5-38/17-2012F) imprimé dans cette publication est incorrect.Gratuit.ISBN 978-1-100-99034-7Numéro de catalogue FR5-38/19-2012F
- Invest in Canada 2012 - machinery and equipment: Canada's competitive advantages. Ottawa, 2012. 11p. Graphs, map. 28cm. Softcover.Incorrect catalogue number (FR5-38/17-2012E) printed in this publication.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-20491-8Catalogue Number FR5-38/20-2012E
- Investir au Canada 2012 - machinerie et équipement: avantages concurrentiels du Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 11p. Carte, graphiques. 28cm. Couverture souple.Le n° de catalogue (FR5-38/17-2012F) imprimé dans cette publication est incorrect.Gratuit.ISBN 978-1-100-99036-1Numéro de catalogue FR5-38/20-2012F
- Invest in Canada - automotive 2012: automotive - Canada’s competitive advantages. Ottawa, 2012. 11p. Graphs, map, tables. 28cm. Softcover.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-20865-7Catalogue Number FR5-38/2-2012E
- Investir au Canada - automobile 2012: automobile - avantages concurrentiels du Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 11p. Carte, graphiques, tableaux. 28cm. Couverture souple.Gratuit.ISBN 978-1-100-99404-8Numéro de catalogue FR5-38/2-2012F
- Invest in Canada - business services 2012: business services - Canada’s competitive advantages. Ottawa, 2012. 11p. Graphs, map, table. 28cm. Softcover.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-20869-5Catalogue Number FR5-38/5-2012E
- Investir au Canada - services aux entreprises 2012: services aux entreprises - avantages concurrentiels du Canada. Ottawa, 2012. 11p. Carte, graphiques, tableau. 28cm. Couverture souple.Le n° de catalogue (FR38/5-2012E) et l'ISBN (978-1-100-20869-5) pour l'édition anglais ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition français.Gratuit.ISBN 978-1-100-99408-6Numéro de catalogue FR5-38/5-2012F
- Invest in Canada - software 2012: software - Canada’s competitive advantages. Ottawa, [2012]. 11p. Graphs. 28cm. Softcover.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-20867-1Catalogue Number FR5-38/6-2012E
- Investir au Canada - logiciels 2012: logiciels - avantages concurrentiels du Canada. Ottawa, [2012]. 11p. Graphiques. 28cm. Couverture souple.Gratuit.ISBN 978-1-100-99406-2Numéro de catalogue FR5-38/6-2012F
- Invest in Canada - financial services 2012: financial services - Canada’s competitive advantages. Ottawa, [2012]. 11p. Graphs, table. 28cm. Softcover.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-20868-8Catalogue Number FR5-38/7-2012E
- Investir au Canada - services financiers 2012: services financiers - avantages concurrentiels du Canada. Ottawa, [2012]. 11p. Graphiques, tableau. 28cm. Couverture souple.Gratuit.ISBN 978-1-100-99407-9Numéro de catalogue FR5-38/7-2012F
- Invest in Canada - digital media 2012: digital media - Canada’s competitive advantages. Ottawa, [2012]. 11p. Graphs. 28cm. Softcover.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-20866-4Catalogue Number FR5-38/8-2012E
- Investir au Canada - médias numériques 2012: médias numériques - avantages concurrentiels du Canada. Ottawa, [2012]. 11p. Graphiques. 28cm. Couverture souple.Gratuit.ISBN 978-1-100-99405-5Numéro de catalogue FR5-38/8-2012F
Health Canada
- Bringing consumer products into Canada. Ottawa, c2012. i, 12p. Illus. 18cm. Softcover. Bilingual. (HC Pub.: 4113)Free.ISBN 978-1-100-54247-8Catalogue Number H128-1/08-557-1
- Bringing consumer products into Canada. Ottawa, c2012. 16p. Illus. (HC Pub.: 4113) Electronic.The catalogue number (H128-1/08-557-1) and ISBN (978-1-100-54247-8) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.31 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number H128-1/08-557-1E-PDF
- Apporter des produits de consommation au Canada. Ottawa, c2012. 16p. Ill. Électronique.Le n° de catalogue (H128-1/08-557-1) et l'ISBN (978-1-100-54247-8) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans la version électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.31 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue H128-1/08-557-1F-PDF
- --Health risks of asbestos. Ottawa, November 2012. 4p. Photographs.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.12 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-20762-9Catalogue Number H13-7/121-2012E-PDF
- --Risques pour la santé associés à l’amiante. Ottawa, Novembre 2012. 4p. Photographies.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.10 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99305-8Numéro de catalogue H13-7/121-2012F-PDF
- --Noise-induced hearing loss. Ottawa, December 2012. 3p. Photographs, table."Original: July 2002".URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.91 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21397-2Catalogue Number H13-7/128-2012E-PDF
- --Perte d’audition due au bruit. Ottawa, Décembre 2012. 4p. Photographies, tableau."Original : Juillet 2002".URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.90 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99896-1Numéro de catalogue H13-7/128-2012F-PDF
- --Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Ottawa, October 2012. 3p. Photographs.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.05 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21452-8Catalogue Number H13-7/69-2012E-PDF
- --Troubles du spectre autistique (TSA). Ottawa, Novembre 2012. 3p. Photographies.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.97 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99942-5Numéro de catalogue H13-7/69-2012F-PDF
- Notice to depositories: The following publication was listed in the Weekly Checklist for information only.It is being re-listed here for distribution to full depositories.Radon: information to First Nations communities. Ottawa, c2008. English text, [5]p. Figs. (some coloured). 14cm. Softcover. Bilingual. (HC Pub.: 3570)Free.ISBN 978-0-662-06132-8Catalogue Number H14-44/2008
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
- Hantavirus: what you need to know to prevent Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS), Ottawa, c2012. 8p. Photographs. 22cm. Pamphlet.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-21471-9Catalogue Number H34-261/2012E
Health Products and Food Branch
- Consultation on Health Canada's food allergen precautionary labelling policy renewal: synthesis of comments from the public meeting sessions, Ottawa, September 2011. English text, 22p. Glossary, tables. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. (HC Pub.: 110105)Free.ISBN 978-1-100-53852-5Catalogue Number H164-139/2011
- Food allergen precautionary labelling online public consultation, Ottawa, September 2011. English text, 18p. Figs., tables. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. (HC Pub.: 110103)Free.ISBN 978-1-100-53853-2Catalogue Number H164-140/2011
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
- No. 12, February 2013. --Staying in touch, 4p. Coloured illus. 28cm. Pamphlet. (ISSD-013-13E)Free.Catalogue Number HS61-3/2013E
- N° 12, février 2013. --Maintenir le lien, Ottawa. 4p. Ill. en couleur. 28cm. Dépliant. (ISSD-013-13F)Gratuit.Numéro de catalogue HS61-3/2013F
- Staying in touch: your annual Canada Pension Plan Disability (CPPD) newsletter. Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.No. 12, February 2013. --Staying in touch, Ottawa. 4p. Coloured illus. (ISSD-013-02-13E)URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.07 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number HS61-3/2013E-PDF
- Maintenir le lien: votre bulletin annuel du Programme de prestations d'invalidité du Régime de pensions du Canada (PPIRPC). Annuel. Électronique.N° 12, février 2013. --Maintenir le lien, Ottawa. 4p. Ill. en couleur. (ISSD-013-02-13F)URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.07 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue HS61-3/2013F-PDF
- Registered Disability Savings Plan: helping people with disabilities save for the future. Gatineau, Quebec, c2012. English text, 11p. Photographs. 22cm. Pamphlet. Bilingual.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-54373-4Catalogue Number HS64-4/2012
Industry Canada
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Justice Canada
- Intimate partner violence risk assessment tools: a review, Ottawa, [2012]. 26p. References. (rr12-08e) Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (93 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21382-8Catalogue Number J2-373/2012E-PDF
- Outils d'évaluation du risque de violence envers le partenaire intime: un examen, Ottawa, [2012]. 28p. Références. (rr12-08f) Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (111 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99884-8Numéro de catalogue J2-373/2012F-PDF
National Defence
- The maple leaf. Monthly. Ottawa. 38cm. Newspaper. Bilingual. ISSN 1480-4336 (NDID/IDDN A-JS-000-003/JP-001)Vol. 16, no. 1, January 2013. English text, 11, [1]p. Photographs.Weekly until August 17, 2011.Free. (Available to depositories only).Catalogue Number D12-7/16-1
- Director Ammunition and Explosives Regulation annual report. Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1929-4727 Electronic.1 January to 31 December 2011. 70p. Graphs, photographs, references, tables. (NDID: A-JS-040-000/JP-001)Running title: DAER annual report.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (4.02 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number D3-27/2011E-PDF
- Rapport annuel, Directeur - Réglementation des explosifs et munitions. Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1929-4735 Électronique.1er janvier au 31 décembre 2011. 70p. Graphiques, photographies, références, tableaux. (IDDN : A-JS-040-000/JP-001)Titre en tête de chaque page: DREM rapport annuel.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.98 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue D3-27/2011F-PDF
- Vol. 4. --De-icing required! the historical dimension of the Canadian Air Force's experience in the Arctic, c2012. 167p. Figs., references, tables.The catalogue number (D4-7/4-2012) and ISBN (978-1-100-54405-2) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.32 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21215-9Catalogue Number D4-7/4-2012E-PDF
- Sic Itur Ad Astra - études sur la puissance aérospatiale canadienne. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.Vol. 4. --Dégivrage requis! la dimension historique de l'expérience de la Force aérienne du Canada dans l'Arctique, c2012. 181p. Figures, références, tableaux.Le n° de catalogue (D4-7/4-2012) et l'ISBN (978-1-100-54405-2) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans la version électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.38 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99725-4Numéro de catalogue D4-7/4-2012F-PDF
National Energy Board
- Monthly statistics for November 2012. In various pagings. Graph, tables.Free.Catalogue Number NE12-6/2012-11E
- Statistiques mensuelles pour novembre 2012. En pagination multiple. Graphique, tableaux.Gratuit.Numéro de catalogue NE12-6/2012-11F
- Investigation under the National Energy Board Act in the matter of 2012-01-24 Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC Sumas Tank 121 Leak. Calgary, November 2012. 28p. Coloured figs. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.03 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21489-4Catalogue Number NE23-171/2012E-PDF
- Enquête en vertu de la Loi sur l’Office national de l’énergie relativement à la fuite du réservoir 121 situé au terminal Sumas de Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC, survenue le 24 janvier 2012. Calgary, Novembre 2012. 30p. Figures en couleur. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.06 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99981-4Numéro de catalogue NE23-171/2012F-PDF
National Joint Council of the Public Service of Canada
- Amendment List -- NJC 13-1, January 9, 2013. 62 sheets (in various pagings). Tables.Volume 2 - Travel Directive Commuting Assistance Directive.$11.50 per copy.Catalogue Number F65-21/2002-13-1
Natural Resources Canada
Canadian Forest Service
- Frontline express. Irregular. Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. ISSN 1496-7855 Electronic.Bulletin 60. c2012. 2p. Fig., references.Each issue also has a distinctive title.
The ISSN (1496-7847) of the print edition has been incorrectly copied in the PDF edition.Title of this issue: A lightning fire prediction system.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.46 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fo122-1/60-2012E-PDF - Nouvelles express. Irrégulier. Sault Ste. Marie (Ontario). Électronique.Bulletin 60. c2012. 2p. Figure, références.Chaque numéro a aussi un titre distinctif.
L'ISSN (1496-7847) de l'édition imprimée en anglais a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition PDF en français.Titre de ce numéro: Un système de prévention des incendies dus à la foudre.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.47 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fo122-1/60-2012F-PDF - Frontline express. Irregular. Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. ISSN 1496-7855 Electronic.Bulletin 61. c2012. 2p. Coloured figs.Each issue also has a distinctive title.
The ISSN (1496-7847) of the print edition has been incorrectly copied in the PDF edition.Title of this issue: Effects of climate change on the impacts of spruce budworm infestation.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.54 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fo122-1/61-2012E-PDF - Nouvelles express. Irrégulier. Sault Ste. Marie (Ontario). Électronique.Bulletin 61. c2012. 2p. Figures en couleur.Chaque numéro a aussi un titre distinctif.
L'ISSN (1496-7847) de l'édition imprimée en anglais a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition PDF en français.Titre de ce numéro: Effets du changement climatique sur les impacts des infestations de tordeuses des bourgeons de l'épinette.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.76 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fo122-1/61-2012F-PDF
Office of Energy Efficiency
- Moving forward on energy efficiency in Canada: achieving results to 2020 and beyond. Ottawa, September 2012. 24p. Figs., graphs, tables. Electronic.At head of title: Energy and Mines Ministers' Conference.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.41 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21006-3Catalogue Number M144-166/1-2012E-PDF
- Faire progresser l’efficacité énergétique au Canada: résultats à atteindre d'ici 2020 et au-delà. Ottawa, Septembre 2012. 24p. Figures, graphiques, tableaux. Électronique.En-tête de titre: Conférence des ministres de l'énergie et des mines.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.45 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99525-0Numéro de catalogue M144-166/1-2012F-PDF
- Energy-efficient residential windows, doors and skylights. Updated. Ottawa, October 2010, c2011. 44p. Coloured maps, figs., tables. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.13 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-18217-9Catalogue Number M144-192/2011E-PDF
- Portes, fenêtres et puits de lumière éconergétiques pour le secteur résidentiel. Mise à jour. Ottawa, Octobre 2010, c2011. 44p. Cartes en couleur, figures, tableaux. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (5.59 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-96946-6Numéro de catalogue M144-192/2011F-PDF
- Heat recovery ventilators. Ottawa, c2012. 36p. Figs., tables. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (521 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-19262-8Catalogue Number M144-234/2011E-PDF
- Ventilateurs-récupérateurs de chaleur. Ottawa, c2012. 44p. Figures, tableaux. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (543 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-97933-5Numéro de catalogue M144-234/2011F-PDF
- ENERGY STAR for New Homes Standard, Version 12.1. Revised. Ottawa, c2012. 62p. Tables. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (5.45 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21463-4Catalogue Number M144-237/2012-1E-PDF
- Norme ENERGY STAR pour les maisons neuves, version 12.1. Ottawa, c2012. 63p. Tableaux. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (5.48 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99950-0Numéro de catalogue M144-237/2012-1F-PDF
- Implementing an energy efficiency awareness program. Ottawa, c2012. 29p. Fig., photographs. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.19 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21103-9Catalogue Number M144-244/2012E-PDF
- Mise en oeuvre d'un programme de sensibilisation à l'efficacité énergétique. Ottawa, c2012. 29p. Figure, photographies. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.54 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99620-2Numéro de catalogue M144-244/2012F-PDF
- Heating with oil. Ottawa, c2012. 68p. Figs., tables. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (839 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-19264-2Catalogue Number M144-60/2011E-PDF
- Le chauffage au mazout. Ottawa, c2012. 76p. Figures, tableaux. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (845 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-97935-9Numéro de catalogue M144-60/2011F-PDF
Office of the Auditor General of Canada
- Office of the Auditor General of Canada, annex to the Statement of Management Responsibility, Including Internal Control Over Financial Reporting. Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 2291-0107 Electronic.2011-2012. 14p.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (228 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number FA1-14/1-2012E-PDF
- Bureau du vérificateur général du Canada, annexe à la Déclaration de responsabilité de la direction englobant le contrôle interne en matière de rapports financiers. Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 2291-0115 Électronique.2011-2012. 15p.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (348 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue FA1-14/1-2012F-PDF
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
- Veterans Affairs Canada - audit report of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada: section 37 of the Privacy Act - final report. Ottawa, 2012. English text, 38p. Figs. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-52495-5Catalogue Number IP54-44/2012
- Veterans Affairs Canada - audit report of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada: section 37 of the Privacy Act. Ottawa, 2012. 40p. Figs., tables. Electronic.The catalogue number (IP54-44/2012) and ISBN (978-1-100-52495-5) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.53 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21097-1Catalogue Number IP54-44/2012E-PDF
- Anciens Combattants Canada - rapport vérification de la commissaire à la protection de la vie privée du Canada: article 37 de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels. Ottawa, 2012. 44p. Figures, tableaux. Électronique.Le n° de catalogue (IP54-44/2012) et l'ISBN (978-1-100-52495-5) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.69 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99614-1Numéro de catalogue IP54-44/2012F-PDF
Parks Canada
- Safety in polar bear country. Iqaluit, [2010]. 1 folded sheet, [12]p. Photographs, references. 22cm. Pamphlet.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-16418-2Catalogue Number R62-342/2010E
- La sécurité au pays des ours polaires. Iqaluit, [2010]. 1 feuille pliée, [12]p. Photographies, références. 22cm. Dépliant.Gratuit.ISBN 978-1-100-95214-7Numéro de catalogue R62-342/2010F
- Safety in polar bear country. Iqaluit, [2010]. 2p. Photographs, references. Electronic.The catalogue number (R62-342/2010E) and ISBN (978-1-100-16418-2) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1052 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number R62-342/2010E-PDF
- La sécurité au pays des ours polaires. Iqaluit, [2010]. 3p. Photographies, références. Électronique.Le n° de catalogue (R62-342/2010F) et l'ISBN (978-1-100-95214-7) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1051 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue R62-342/2010F-PDF
- Safety in polar bear country. Iqaluit, [2010]. 1 folded sheet, [12]p. Photographs, references. 22cm. Pamphlet. Text in Inuktitut.Free.ISBN 978-0-662-03390-5Catalogue Number R62-342/2010S
- Environmental Stewardship Certificate Program: Junior High. Iqaluit, c2009. 72p. Figs., glossary, maps, photographs, tables. 28cm. Spiral binding.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-14622-5Catalogue Number R64-375/2010E
- Gérance de l'environnement Programme de certificat: premier cycle du secondaire. Iqaluit, c2009. 72p. Cartes, figures, glossaire, photographies, tableaux. 28cm. Reliure à spirale.Le n° de catalogue (R64-375/2010E) et ISBN (978-1-100-14622-5) imprimés dans cette publication sont incorrects.Gratuit.ISBN 978-1-100-93473-0Numéro de catalogue R64-375/2010F
- Environmental Stewardship Certificate Program: Junior High. Iqaluit, c2009. 76p. Figs., glossary, maps, photographs, tables. Electronic.The catalogue number (R64-375/2010E) and ISBN (978-1-100-14622-5) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (10166 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number R64-375/2010E-PDF
- Gérance de l'environnement Programme de certificat: premier cycle du secondaire. Iqaluit, c2009. 76p. Cartes, figures, glossaire, photographies, tableaux. Électronique.Le n° de catalogue (R64-375/2010E) et l'ISBN (978-1-100-14622-5) copiés dans cette édition PDF sont incorrects.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (10384 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue R64-375/2010F-PDF
- Environmental Stewardship Certificate Program: junior high. Iqaluit, c2009. 72p. Figs., glossary, maps, photographs, tables. 28cm. Spiral binding. Text in Inuktitut.Free.ISBN 978-0-662-03351-6Catalogue Number R64-375/2010S
- Environmental Stewardship Certificate Program: junior high. Iqaluit, c2009. 76p. Figs., glossary, maps, photographs, tables. Text in Inuktitut. Electronic.The catalogue number (R64-375/2010S) and ISBN (978-0-662-03351-6) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (10593 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number R64-375/2010S-PDF
Public Health Agency of Canada
- CCDR - Canada communicable disease report. An advisory committee statement. Irregular. Ottawa. ISSN 1481-8531 Electronic.Vol. 38, ACS-1, January 2012. 62p. References, tables.Variant title: Canada communicable disease report- CCDR. An advisory committee statement.National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI): Update on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (509 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number HP3-2/38-1E-PDF
- RMTC - Relevé des maladies transmissibles au Canada. Une déclaration d'un comité consultatif. Irrégulier. Ottawa. ISSN 1719-3109 Électronique.Vol. 38, DCC-1, janvier 2012. 69p. Références.Titre de renvoi: Relevé des maladies transmissibles au Canada - RMTC. Une déclaration d'un comité consultatif.Comité consultatif national de l'immunisation (CCNI) : Mise à jour sur les vaccins contre le virus du papillome humain (VPH).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (559 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue HP3-2/38-1F-PDF
- CCDR - Canada communicable disease report. An advisory committee statement. Irregular. Ottawa. ISSN 1481-8531 Electronic.Vol. 38, ACS-2, August 2012. 37p. References, tables.Variant title: Canada communicable disease report- CCDR. An advisory committee statement.National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI): Statement on seasonal influenza vaccine for 2012-2013.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (515 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number HP3-2/38-2E-PDF
- RMTC - Relevé des maladies transmissibles au Canada. Une déclaration d'un comité consultatif. Irrégulier. Ottawa. ISSN 1719-3109 Électronique.Vol. 38, DCC-2, août 2012. 37p. Références, tableaux.Titre de renvoi: Relevé des maladies transmissibles au Canada - RMTC. Une déclaration d'un comité consultatif.Comité consultatif national de l'immunisation (CCNI) : Déclaration sur la vaccination antigrippale pour la saison 2012-2013.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (675 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue HP3-2/38-2F-PDF
- CCDR - Canada communicable disease report. An advisory committee statement. Irregular. Ottawa. ISSN 1481-8531 Electronic.Vol. 38, ACS-3, November 2012. 18p. References, tables.Variant title: Canada communicable disease report- CCDR. An advisory committee statement.National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI): Statement on personal protective measures to prevent arthropod bites.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (664 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number HP3-2/38-3E-PDF
- RMTC - Relevé des maladies transmissibles au Canada. Une déclaration d'un comité consultatif. Irrégulier. Ottawa. ISSN 1719-3109 Électronique.Vol. 38, DCC-3, novembre 2012. 20p. Références, tableaux.Titre de renvoi: Relevé des maladies transmissibles au Canada - RMTC. Une déclaration d'un comité consultatif.Comité consultatif national de l'immunisation (CCNI) : Déclaration relative aux mesures de protection individuelle pour prévenir les piqûres ou morsures d'anthropodes.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (656 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue HP3-2/38-3F-PDF
Audit Services Division
- Audit report - financial management framework. Ottawa, October 2011. 28p. Organization chart, tables. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (107 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-20573-1Catalogue Number HP5-114/2012E-PDF
- Rapport de vérification - cadre de gestion financière. Ottawa, Octobre 2011. 31p. Organigramme, tableaux. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (115 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99116-0Numéro de catalogue HP5-114/2012F-PDF
Public Safety Canada
- The screening handbook: tools and resources for the voluntary sector, 2012 ed.. Ottawa, March 2012. 104p. Tables. Electronic."Tools and resources to better match people and organizations, improve the safety and quality of programs in communities, and reduce risks and liability".URL: Adobe Acrobat. (479 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21198-5Catalogue Number PS4-57/2012E-PDF
- Guide sur le filtrage: outils et ressources pour le secteur bénévole, éd. 2012. Ottawa, Mars 2012. 111p. Tableaux. Électronique."Outils et ressources pour mieux jumeler les bénévoles et les organismes, améliorer la sécurité et la qualité des programmes communautaires, et réduire les risques et
la responsabilité".URL: Adobe Acrobat. (610 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99710-0Numéro de catalogue PS4-57/2012F-PDF
National Crime Prevention Centre
- Funding priorities under the National Crime Prevention Strategy. Ottawa, Fall 2012. 24p. Bibliography. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (595 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21193-0Catalogue Number PS114-7/2012E-PDF
- Priorités de financement dans le cadre de la Stratégie nationale pour la prévention du crime. Ottawa, Automne 2012. 26p. Bibliographie. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (622 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99705-6Numéro de catalogue PS114-7/2012F-PDF
- Implementation fact sheets on promising and model crime prevention programs - 2012. Ottawa, Fall 2012. 74p. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (769 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21194-7Catalogue Number PS114-8/2012E-PDF
- Fiche de mise en œuvre des programmes prometteurs et modèles pour prévenir la criminalité - 2012. Ottawa, Automne 2012. 78p. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (774 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99706-3Numéro de catalogue PS114-8/2012F-PDF
- Guide to select promising and model crime prevention programs - 2012. Ottawa, Fall 2012. 26p. Bibliography, tables. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (479 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21206-7Catalogue Number PS19-2/2012E-PDF
- Guide de sélection des programmes prometteurs et modèles pour prévenir la criminalité - 2012. Ottawa, Automne 2012. 28p. Bibliographie, tableaux. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (610 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99718-6Numéro de catalogue PS19-2/2012F-PDF
- The offending trajectories of youth probationers from early adolescence to middle adulthood: relation to dual taxonomies. Ottawa, c2012. 29p. Graph, references, tables. (2012-4) Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (652 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-20346-1Catalogue Number PS4-162/2012E-PDF
- Les trajectoires de délinquance des jeunes probationnaires du début de l’adolescence au milieu de l’âge adulte en fonction de deux catégories. Ottawa, c2012. 32p. Graphique, références, tableaux. (2012-4) Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (833 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-98915-0Numéro de catalogue PS4-162/2012F-PDF
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Publishing and Depository Services Program
- Weekly checklist of Canadian government publications. Weekly. Ottawa. 27cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 0706-46592013 No. 03, January 18, 2013. 36p.Numbering starts each year from No. 1.$1.25 per copy. $60.00 per year.Catalogue Number P107-1/2013-3
Real Property Services Branch
- Public Works and Government Services Canada, MD 15000 - 2012, Mechanical Environmental Standard for Federal Office Buildings: standard for building owners, design professionals and maintenance personnel, Ottawa, December 2012. 32p. Bibliography, tables. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (201 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21534-1Catalogue Number P4-50/2012E-PDF
- Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada, IM 15000 - 2012, Norme environnementale de mécanique concernant les immeubles à bureaux fédéraux: norme pour les propriétaires d'immeubles, les professionnels de la conception et le personnel d'entretien, Ottawa, Décembre 2012. 34p. Bibliographie, tableaux. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (224 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 9780662706496Numéro de catalogue P4-50/2012F-PDF
Queen's Printer
- Canada gazette. Part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4192Vol. 147, no. 3, Saturday, January 19, 2013. p. 63-94, 16p.Notices and proposed regulations.$2.95 per copy.Catalogue Number SP2-1/147-3
- Canada gazette. Part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1494-6076 Electronic.Vol. 147, no. 3, Saturday, January 19, 2013. 49p.Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1667 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number SP2-1/147-3-PDF
- Canada gazette. Part II, Statutory instruments. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. ISSN 0045-4206Vol. 147, no. 2, Wednesday, January 16, 2013. p. [241]-244, ivp. Index.Official regulations.$3.50 per copy. $67.50 per year.Catalogue Number SP2-2/147-2
- Canada gazette. Part II, Statutory instruments. Biweekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1494-6122 Electronic.Vol. 147, no. 2, Wednesday, January 16, 2013. 9p.Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (859 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number SP2-2/147-2-PDF
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Gazette. Four times a year. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. ISSN 1196-6513Vol. 74, no. 4, 2012. English text, 38p. Photographs, references.Issued free of charge on a limited basis to accredited police forces and agencies within the criminal justice system. Personal subscriptions are not available.Free.Catalogue Number JS62-126/74-4
- Canadian champions: teacher's guide. Ottawa, c2012. 30p. Photographs, references, tables. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (3.07 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21515-0Catalogue Number PS64-103/2012E-PDF
- Champions canadiens: guide de l'enseignant. Ottawa, c2012. 30p. Photographies, références, tableaux. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (3.84 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 9780662701705Numéro de catalogue PS64-103/2012F-PDF
- Criminal harassment: stalking, it's not love. Ottawa, c2012. 7p. (CCAP-SPCCA-011 2012) Electronic.The catalogue number (PS64-19/2012) and ISBN (978-1-100-54347-5) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (467 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number PS64-19/2012E-PDF
- Harcèlement criminel: poursuivre quelqu'un, ce n'est pas l'aimer. Ottawa, c2012. 7p. (CCAP-SPCCA-011 2012) Électronique.Le n° de catalogue (PS64-19/2012) et l'ISBN (978-1-100-54347-5) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans la version PDF.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (479 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue PS64-19/2012F-PDF
- Intimate partner violence and abuse: it can be stopped. Ottawa, c2012. 9p. Electronic.The catalogue number (PS64-20/2012) and ISBN (978-1-100-54297-3) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (419 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number PS64-20/2012E-PDF
- Violence dans les relations intimes: on peut la faire cesser. Ottawa, c2012. 9p. (CCAP-SPCCA-014 2012) Électronique.Le n° de catalogue (PS64-20/2012) et l'ISBN (978-1-100-54297-3) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans la version PDF.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (426 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue PS64-20/2012F-PDF
Transport Canada
Civil Aviation
- Flight test guide - private and commercial pilot licence: helicopter. 3rd ed.. Ottawa, February 2013. 41p. (TP 3077E (02/2013)) Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (538 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21422-1Catalogue Number T52-4/38-9-2013E-PDF
- Guide de test en vol - Licences de pilote privé et professionnel: hélicoptère. 3e éd.. Ottawa, Février 2013. 41p. (TP 3077F (02/2013)) Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (628 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99921-0Numéro de catalogue T52-4/38-9-2013F-PDF
- Flying to Canada. Ottawa, [2012]. 2p. (TP 15048E (07/2012)) Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (436 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21507-5Catalogue Number T52-4/53-2012E-PDF
- Piloter au Canada. Ottawa, [2012]. 2p. (TP 15048F (07/2012)) Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (438 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 9780662700203Numéro de catalogue T52-4/53-2012F-PDF
Marine Safety
- Small Vessel Compliance Program (SVCP) detailed compliance report and guidance notes, 2012 edition. Ottawa, November 30, 2012. 24p. Tables. (TP 15111E (11/2012)) Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (866 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21564-8Catalogue Number T29-97/2012E-PDF
- Programme de conformité des petits bâtiments (PCPB) rapport de conformité détaillé et notes d'orientation, édition 2012. Ottawa, 30 novembre 2012. 27p. Tableaux. (TP 15111F (11/2012)) Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.06 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 9780662715351Numéro de catalogue T29-97/2012F-PDF
Transportation Safety Board of Canada
- Marine investigation report. Ottawa.M09Z0001. --Safety issues investigation into fishing safety in Canada. c2012. 117p. Figs., glossary, graphs, maps, photographs, tables. 28cm. Softcover.Free.ISBN 978-1-100-20969-2Catalogue Number TU3-7/09-0001E
- Rapport d'enquête maritime. Ottawa.M09Z0001. --Enquête sur les questions de sécurité relatives à l'industrie de la pêche au Canada. c2012. 129p. Cartes, figures, glossaire, photographies, tableaux. 28cm. Polycopié.Gratuit.ISBN 978-1-100-99489-5Numéro de catalogue TU3-7/09-0001F
- Fishing safety: working together. Ottawa, June 2012. 8p. Photographs. 40cm. Pamphlet."Based on the safety issues investigation into fishing safety in Canada by the Transportation Safety Board of Canada".Free.ISBN 978-1-100-20971-5Catalogue Number TU4-19/1-2012E
- Sécurité de la pêche: travaillons ensemble. Ottawa, Juin 2012. 8p. Photographies. 40cm. Dépliant.Le n° de catalogue (TU4-19/1-2012) imprimé dans cette publication est incorrect.
"Fondé sur l'enquête sur les questions de sécurité relatives à l'industrie de la pêche au Canada, Bureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada".Gratuit.ISBN 978-1-100-99491-8Numéro de catalogue TU4-19/1-2012F - Fishing safety: working together. Ottawa, June 2012. 8p. Photographs. Electronic.The catalogue number (TU4-19/1-2012E) and ISBN (978-1-100-20971-5) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (9.27 MB). Number TU4-19/1-2012E-PDF
- Sécurité de la pêche: travaillons ensemble. Ottawa, Juin 2012. 8p. Photographies. Électronique.Le n° de catalogue (TU4-19/1-2012) et l'ISBN (978-1-100-99491-8) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (9.02 Mo).éro de catalogue TU4-19/1-2012F-PDF
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
- Rapport sur l'application de la Loi sur les carburants de remplacement, exercice ... rapport annuel au Parlement. Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1489-5099 Électronique.2011-12. 9p.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (173 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue BT76-1/2012F-PDF
Statistics Canada Publications
Statistics Canada
- --How many years to retirement? Ottawa, December 2012. 10p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (717 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number CS75-006/1-2012E-PDF
- --Combien d’années avant la retraite? Ottawa, Décembre 2012. 11p. Figures, graphiques, références, tableaux.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (734 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CS75-006/1-2012F-PDF
- Longitudinal and International Study of Adults research paper series. Occasional. Ottawa. ISSN 1927-0100 Electronic.No. 001. --Evaluation of the Canadian Household Panel Survey pilot content, Ottawa, January 2013. 17p. Tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (530 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-20692-9Catalogue Number CS89-648/2013-1E-PDF
- Série de documents de recherche de l'Étude longitudinale et internationale sur les adultes. Hors série. Ottawa. ISSN 1927-0119 Électronique.N° 001. --Évaluation du contenu de l'Enquête pilote par panel auprès des ménages canadiens, Ottawa, Janvier 2013. 18p. Tableaux.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (510 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99235-8Numéro de catalogue CS89-648/2013-1F-PDF
- Longitudinal and International Study of Adults research paper series. Occasional. Ottawa. ISSN 1927-0100 Electronic.No. 002. --Historical data linkage of tax records on labour and income: the case of the Living in Canada Survey pilot, Ottawa, January 2013. 17p. References, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (526 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-20704-9Catalogue Number CS89-648/2013-2E-PDF
- Série de documents de recherche de l'Étude longitudinale et internationale sur les adultes. Hors série. Ottawa. ISSN 1927-0119 Électronique.N° 002. --Couplage rétrospectif de données fiscales sur les gains et le revenu: un cas appliqué à l’Enquête pilote Vivre au Canada, Ottawa, Janvier 2013. 18p. Tableaux.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (386 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99247-1Numéro de catalogue CS89-648/2013-2F-PDF
- Statistics Canada international symposium series - proceedings. Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1709-8211 Electronic.2011. --Strategies for standardization of methods and tools - how to get there: proceedings - Statistics Canada's International Methodological Symposium, November 1-4, 2011. c2012. 354p. Figs., references, tables.Additional title (within publication): Symposium 2011.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (6.26 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number CS11-522/2011E-PDF
- La série des symposiums internationaux de Statistique Canada - recueil. Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1709-822X Électronique.2011. --Stratégies de normalisation des méthodes et des outils - comment y arriver: recueil - Symposium international de Statistique Canada sur les questions de méthodologie, 1 au 4 novembre 2011. Ottawa, c2012. 388p. Figures, graphiques, références, tableaux.Titre additionnel (dans la publication): Symposium 2011.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (7.04 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CS11-522/2011F-PDF
- Statistics Canada international symposium series - proceedings. Annual. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1481-9678 CD-ROM.2011. --Symposium 2011: strategies for standardization of methods and tools - how to get there. Ottawa. 1 disc.System Requirements: IBM PC compatible Pentium 1, or higher; Windows 2000 SP4 or higher; Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device; CD-ROM reader; 32MB of RAM; 35 MB free space on hard disc.Free.ISBN 978-0-660-67451-3Catalogue Number CS11-522/2011-MRC
Periodic Releases
- Aircraft movement statistics - NAV CANADA towers and flight service stations. Monthly. Ottawa. ISSN 1911-6314 Electronic.October 2012. 50p. Tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (241 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number CS51-007/2012-10E-PDF
- Statistiques relatives aux mouvements d'aéronefs - tours et stations d'information de vol de NAV CANADA. Mensuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1911-6322 Électronique.Octobre 2012. 50p. Tableaux.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (249 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CS51-007/2012-10F-PDF
- Aircraft Movement Statistics - airports without air traffic control towers. Monthly. Ottawa. ISSN 1911-6330 Electronic.August 2012. 27p. Tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (139 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number CS51-008/2012-8E-PDF
- Statistiques relatives aux mouvements d'aéronefs - aéroports sans tours de contrôle de la circulation aérienne. Mensuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1911-6349 Électronique.Août 2012. 28p. Tableaux.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (147 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CS51-008/2012-8F-PDF
- Capital expenditure price statistics. Quarterly. Ottawa. ISSN 1499-9897 Electronic.Vol. 28, No. 3, July to September 2012. 107p. Graphs, tables.Continues the print publication with the same title commencing with the Third quarter 2005.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (549 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number CS62-007/28-3E-PDF
- Statistiques des prix des immobilisations. Trimestriel. Ottawa. ISSN 1708-4024 Électronique.Vol. 28, n° 3, juillet à septembre 2012. 108p. Graphiques, tableaux.Fait suite à une publication imprimée ayant le même titre et commençant avec le troisième trimestre de 2005.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (640 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CS62-007/28-3F-PDF
- Retail trade. Monthly. Ottawa. ISSN 1488-0008 Electronic.Vol. 84, no. 11, November 2012. 84p. Graphs, tables.Continues in part CS63-005-IN (ISSN 1488-0008, Vol. 71, No. 2, February 1999 -- Vol. 76, No. 3, March, 2004).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (473 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number CS63-005/84-11E-PDF
- Commerce de détail. Mensuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1710-0860 Électronique.Vol. 84, n° 11, novembre 2012. 85p. Graphiques, tableaux.Fait suite en partie à CS63-005-IN (ISSN 1488-0008, Vol. 71, n° 2, février 1999 -- Vol. 76, n° 3, mars 2004).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (499 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CS63-005/84-11F-PDF
- International travel - advance information. Monthly. Ottawa. ISSN 1492-4285 (66-001-PIE) Electronic.Vol. 28, no. 11, .November 2012. 5p. Tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (65.3 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number CS66-001/28-11E-PDF
- Voyages internationaux, renseignements préliminaires. Mensuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1499-7886 (66-001-PIF) Électronique.Vol. 28, n° 11, novembre 2012. 5p. Tableaux.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (67.1 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CS66-001/28-11F-PDF
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