Limnological data report. Lake Erie / Canada Centre for Inland Waters. : En38-7E-PDF

Lists chemical, bacteriological and physical data for waters of Lake Erie, observed by Government of Canada agencies. Cruises of Lake Erie were carried out between May 30 and October 30, 1967; during the period May 17 to November 10, 1968; and during the period February 6 to December 13, 1969. During the time covered by this report the Canada Centre for Inland Waters was part of the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources. On April 1, 1971 the Centre, along with other elements of the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, was transferred to the new Department of the Environment, the Honourable Jack Davis, Minister.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Environment Canada. Canada Centre for Inland Waters.
Auteur collaborateur Canadian Oceanographic Data Centre.
Titre Limnological data report. Lake Erie / Canada Centre for Inland Waters.
Type de publication Série
Langue [Anglais]
Fait suite à Limnological data report ; 1966, no. 1 - 1966, no. 12.
Format Électronique
Note(s) Each issue has a distinctive title.
"Programmed by Great Lakes Division, Inland Waters Branch, Department of Energy, Mines & Resources and Public Health Engineering Division, Department of National Health & Welfare, Canada".
Digitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada].
Issues numbered within the year.
Continues in part: Limnological data report (En38-6E-PDF).
Information sur la publication Burlington, Ontario : published by Canadian Oceanographic Data Centre,1970-[1971].
Chronologie 1967, no. 1 - 1969, no. 2.
Périodicité Irregular
Numéro de catalogue
  • En38-7E-PDF
Descripteurs Water quality
Data processsing
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1969 Cliquer pour agrandir
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1967 Cliquer pour agrandir
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