Weekly Acquisitions List 19-43

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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Bank of Canada

Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation

Canada Industrial Relations Board

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Canada School of Public Service

Canadian General Standards Board

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

Canadian International Trade Tribunal

Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21

Canadian Museum of Nature

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Communications Canada

Defence R&D Canada

Department of Communications

Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Department of Justice

Department of National Defence

Employment and Social Development Canada

Environment and Climate Change Canada

Environment Canada

Farm Products Council of Canada

Fisheries and Environment Canada

Global Affairs Canada

National Research Council of Canada

Natural Resources Canada

Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy

Parks Canada


Public Health Agency of Canada

  • Department/Agency: Agence de santé publique du Canada, organisme de publication.
    Catalogue number: HP58-1F-PDF ISSN: 2370-9596 Frequency: Hebdomadaire (bi-hebdomadaire juin-septembre, décembre)
    Format: PDF
    Year Issue URL
    2019 Semaine de déclaration .41:6 octobre 2019;12 octobre 2019 HP58-1-2019-41-fra.pdf (PDF, 354 Ko).
  • Department/Agency: Public Health Agency of Canada, issuing body.
    Catalogue number: HP58-1E-PDF ISSN: 2370-957X Frequency: Weekly (biweekly June-September, December)
    Format: PDF
    Year Issue URL
    2019 Week .41:October 6, 2019;October 12, 2019 HP58-1-2019-41-eng.pdf (PDF, 369 KB).

Public Safety Canada

Queen's Printer

Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee

Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund

Statistics Canada

Supreme Court


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